Page 53 of Fallen Shadows

“What’s the problem?” Izel wasn’t in the mood to hear any more of Gavril’s sparkling comments. He was already overwhelmed by so many people in one place, their different personalities clashing. On top of that, he was battling his emotions between anger, fear for Orion, uncertainty about his future, and the need to strangle everyone in the room.

The bickering was becoming too much for him to handle as he rubbed his temples.

“Orion’s mom just pulled into the driveway.” Santee’s gaze never left Gavril as he pointed toward the front door. “Since she has no idea about your world, good luck explaining those wings to her or where Orion is.”

“So get rid of her,” Jaden said.

Santee shook his head. “You try stopping her from coming in. She’s got one hell of a temper on her, according to Orion, though I’ve never seen it myself. No way I’m risking my life. You stop her,” he said to Jaden.

“We can’t just leave her out there,” Duncan said.

“Yeah, we can,” Gavril replied. “If you don’t answer the door, she’ll assume no one is home.”

“With all our rides in the driveway?” Duncan said as he rolled his eyes. “Milly, can you handle Paloma?”

She looked at Duncan as if she needed something else to concentrate on besides the angel. “I can already smell food in her hands. She’s brought more.”

“Probably to help with my migraines.” Cormac scowled at Duncan. “We’ll discuss your deception later, and at great length.”

“Just fucking shoot me now,” Duncan groaned. “It would be less painful.”

Gavril grinned. “I was wrong about you guys. You’re as dysfunctional as I am.”

Panahasi threw his arm out, a swirling vortex appearing. “If everyone can pull their shit together long enough, we need to leave now.” He looked at Milly. “Could you please handle Paloma.”

Milly nodded. “For Orion, sí. Please bring him back safely.”

Panahasi kissed her cheek. “I owe you one.” He turned to everyone else. “Keep your bickering to a minimum so the Slayer doesn’t see just how dysfunctional you guys really are.”

Santee ran to Beckett, throwing his arms around his mate. “You better come back, and in one piece.”

Bran flew down the stairs, launching himself into Hayden’s arms. “Get Orion for us, but like Santee said, come back in one piece.”

Izel rubbed his chest, more determined than ever to get Orion back. He turned, heading into the vortex, praying this didn’t end in everyone’s complete annihilation.

Chapter Thirteen

Orion had no idea how long he’d been suspended in midair. His head was pounding, and his muscles screamed for relief. He floated in and out of consciousness, wishing this would end.

He didn’t want to witness those he loved being destroyed. Orion would rather die than to hear his mom screaming or his mates suffering.

But what really stuck in his mind was the fact that he was yet again at the mercy of a madman. It was as if he was some sort of magnet for them. Maybe that was why he’d been targeted by Coatl—because he’d already suffered at the hands of Marvell.

He forced his eyes to open all the way when Coatl whipped around, snarling. “The moment I’ve been waiting a lifetime for.”

Orion’s panic increased. Had the cell weakened enough for Coatl to escape? Was he going to drag Orion along with him for the nightmare party the guy planned to have?

“Show yourself, Jaden,” Coatl demanded. “I can feel your presence like a bad rash.”

As much as Orion wanted to see, he couldn’t turn around. He was stuck in one position, forced to stare at Coatl instead of seeing Jaden coming to his rescue.

Maybe the world wasn’t doomed after all.

Coatl stormed past Orion, a wicked-looking blade appearing in his hand.

Orion wanted to scream a warning to Jaden, but since he no longer had use of his voice, nothing came out. Orion fought to get free, struggled to drop to the ground, but no matter how hard he jerked his body, he was stuck looking at trees and more damn trees.

If Orion got out of this, he never wanted to step foot in a forest again. He never wanted to hear the sound of water in a stream, either. That had been the only sound he’d heard since Coatl had strung him up with whatever power he was using.