Her eyes were confused. “But I don’t understand. I thought you didn’t want to be the proprietor of a bed-and-breakfast.”

“I thought a lot of things.” He smiled. “But sometimes you just have to go with your gut. My gut says this is a good idea. The town of Wilder needs a place for folks to stay. And I was thinking . . . if Corbin won’t let your family keep the ranch, we could always build ourselves a big red barn out back. It makes perfect sense to have one on the same property as yours and Belle’s event-planning business.” He hesitated. “And I figured since it was your idea, you’d might want to help me run it . . . when you’re not planning events.”

She stared at him. “But you don’t know anything about running a bed-and-breakfast. Neither do I.”

“True. But we didn’t know anything about falling in love either. And look at us now.” He gave her a quick kiss before he took two keys out of his pocket. Buck started wiggling with excitement thinking it was a treat and he set the dog down before he slipped his hand into the open collar of Liberty’s shirt and dropped one key into her bra. “For safekeeping.” Then he used the other to open the door.

Buck waddled in before them. Jesse slipped the key back in his pocket before he scooped up Liberty in his arms and carried her in.

“What are you doin’, Jesse Cates?”

“Just going with my gut.”

The foyer still looked as pathetic as it had before. Although the floor had been swept clean and there were no chunks of fallen ceiling he had to step over.

“It still needs a lot of work,” he said as he carried her up the stairs. “But I think it’s going to be something when we’re finished. For now, all we need is a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.”

She stared at him. “You want to live here?”

He set her down at the top of the stairs. “Did you have a better idea? Wouldn’t it make sense that we have a place of our own?”

She opened her mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again. “Are you asking me to move in with you, Jesse Cates?”

He nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m asking, Libby Lou. I want to wake up every morning and see your sleep-creased face and bed head.” She swatted him and he laughed. “I do. I got used to waking up with you when we were in Bramble. But I don’t think your daddy is gonna go for me moving into your bedroom with you. And now that Corbin and Sunny are moving in, there won’t be enough room, anyway.” He took her hand. “Now come on and I’ll show you our room.” He whistled for Buck who was still investigating the downstairs. “Come on, Buckaroo!”

Once the pug had joined them, he drew Liberty down the hallway to the only door that had been refinished. It was the same room they’d shared before. The corner room with all the windows. Except now, those windows had panes.

When he opened the door, it was like stepping onto a sunlit explosion of color. The walls were a deep blue and everything else—the comforter, pillows, upholstery, and curtains—was done in a variety of different bright colors.

As Liberty looked around in stunned shock, he explained. “I know you were thinking about naming each room after desserts, but since we’re using the Holiday name, I figured we should name each room after a Holiday sister.”

“And which sister’s room is this one?”

He pulled her into his arms. “That’s a good question, Libby Lou. It’s not the Sweetheart Room because that will be done in shades of pink. The Clover Room will be done in greens. The Belle Room will be done in red, white, and blue. The Halloween Room in black and orange. The Noelle Room in red and green.”

Liberty glanced around at all the color. “This is the Liberty Room? Shouldn’t it be done in red, white, and blue too?”

Jesse shook his head. “Nope. Because three colors could never define you, Liberty Holiday. You’re an explosive firework bursting into the night sky in a shower of color. You’re loud, fiery, heart pounding, and breathtaking.”

She slowly took the room in before she looked back at him. Tears glistened in her beautiful green eyes. He knew they were happy tears by the soft smile on her lips.

“I think I can live here with a cocky cowboy.”

He grinned. “Well, that’s real good, darlin’, because my only other plan was living in Corbin’s trailer or Bubba’s truck.”

She hooked her arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t mind either. As long as I get to sleep on top.”

Desire settled deep and low. He wanted to lead her right over to that big ol’ bed and let her have complete control. But they had some unfinished business. “I’ll make you a deal. You can be on top whenever you want, Libby Lou, if you win the next challenge.”

“And what challenge would that be?”

He got down on one knee and pulled the ring box out of his pocket. “Spending the rest of your life with me.” He opened the box and Buck came over to investigate. When he discovered it wasn’t food, he waddled off to continue exploring the room. Jesse laughed before he glanced up at Liberty.

She looked stunned and beautiful. His heart swelled with love.

“That’s a pretty big challenge,” she whispered with tears glimmering in her eyes.

“Believe me, I know. I’m not easy to live with. But, then again, neither are you.”