He nipped on her neck, sending a shower of sparks through her body, before he drew back. His eyes held desire and pain. “I can’t.”

She cradled his face in her hands, wanting to soothe that pain. “Then I guess this is happening because I can’t stop either.” She kissed him.

They stood there exchanging heated kisses until a group of laughing people came out of the bar, then Jesse helped her into his truck. She hadn’t liked the obnoxious vehicle until she discovered how well the bench seat worked for a horny woman. Without a console, she could cozy right up next to Jesse and slide her hands over all the muscles she’d only dreamed about touching.

“Lib-by,” he groaned as she slipped her hand inside the shirt she’d just unsnapped and brushed his nipple with her thumb. “Behave.”

But she couldn’t behave. Not when her body hummed with the need to touch and taste every inch of the man. She cradled his bunched biceps and ran her hands over his thick thigh muscles. She counted his twin stacks of abdominal muscles and cupped the hard slabs of each pec. When they reached the secluded dirt road that led to Corbin’s trailer, she finally slid her hand over the bulge beneath his fly.

The truck veered off the road, its big tires rolling over rocks and flattening sagebrush.

“Jesus, woman!” He corrected his steering and got back on the road before glancing at her. “Are you trying to get us killed?”

She smiled as she slid her hand back over his erection. “Am I distracting you, cowboy?”

He closed his eyes and groaned. “I knew you were going to be a hellion the moment I met you.”

He gunned the truck and gravel flew. Within seconds, they were pulling into the dirt lot in front of Corbin’s beat-up trailer. It looked a lot more pathetic than Liberty remembered. But she barely had time to take in the rusted siding and the cracked windows before Jesse had her on his lap. His smile was evil as he leered at her.

“You teased me, darlin’, and now it’s time I teased you.” His fingers slid beneath her skirt, leaving behind a trail of tingling heat. “I’ve been wondering just what you have on under this skirt.” His hand stopped on her upper thigh, his index finger brushing her skin in tiny circles that made her breath hitch. “I’d bet Liberty Holiday wears tiny little silk designer panties. But Libby Lou wears something more comfortable and country—cotton panties with tiny little hearts. Or maybe flowers.”

She held her breath as his hot fingers moved higher, tracing the leg elastic of her panties in a back-and-forth motion that made her heart race. “Shall we see who’s sittin’ on my lap tonight, darlin’?”

But he didn’t pull her panties off to check. Instead, he used just his fingertips and brushed over the front of them, stroking the throbbing spot between her legs.

“Cotton,” he whispered in a husky voice. A smile bloomed on his handsome face. “Hey, Libby Lou. I was hoping for you.” He leaned in and kissed her slow and deep as he slipped her panties down her legs that were stretched out on the seat. He stopped when he reached the roper boots he’d bought her and drew back from the kiss. “Nice boots, by the way. Now can you lift one so I can get your panties off? I need to have a little more working room.”

She didn’t know what he meant until her panties were off and he scooted across the seat with her on his lap to the passenger side. Then he turned her facing away from him and tugged her skirt up around her waist.

“There,” he whispered in her ear as he spread her legs and hooked them over his knees. “Isn’t that better?”

Before she could say that she felt a little exposed, he slid a hand up her inner thigh and proceeded to explore. The feel of his calloused fingers slipping between her moist folds had her groaning aloud as her head dropped back on his shoulder.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered. “Just lie back and enjoy.”

She did enjoy. She enjoyed every stroke and thrust of his talented fingers. When he had her practically weeping with pleasure, he located her clitoris and strummed it in a back-and-forth rhythm that sent her right over the edge. She lifted her hips and cried out in an embarrassing run-on sentence of cusswords and praise for how good he made her feel.

He was talented. He knew exactly what to do to draw out her pleasure until she sagged against him in a limp mass of satisfaction.

Jesse pulled her close and kissed the side of her head. “Now don’t get too comfortable, darlin’. I believe I promised you three orgasms and I’ve always been a man of my word.”

Chapter Fourteen

Jesse had tried to let Liberty go. He’d spent the last three days cooped up in the trailer with an angry Tay-Tay who wasn’t happy about coming back to a dinky trailer after getting a peek at what it was like to live in a big ranch house.

But Jesse had not wanted to test fate. So he’d stayed away from town. He’d stayed away from Cooper Springs. He’d stayed away from Holiday Ranch. He hadn’t called Liberty, texted her, and had even refused to read her text when he’d gotten it tonight.

Instead, he had played solitaire with an old deck of cards he found in a drawer. He lost every game until he realized the deck was missing the queen of hearts, the five of spades, and the two of diamonds. Then he tried entertaining Tay-Tay with the cat toy Mimi had given her. After disinfecting his scratches, he’d gone to bed.

In the dark with nothing to distract him, his phone had whispered to him.

Just read the text. You don’t have to answer it.

He’d read it and the jumbled mess of words had made him laugh . . . and worry. So he’d texted her back. When she didn’t answer, he called her. When she still didn’t answer, he’d called the Holiday Ranch and talked to Darla who had told him Liberty’s whereabouts. The thought of her being drunk at a bar with a bunch of horny cowboys had sent him running for his truck. Once he’d walked into the Hellhole and seen her in another man’s arms, his oath to stay away from her had completely dissolved.

All he’d felt was unmitigated jealousy and anger. How dare another man touch what was his?

Except she wasn’t his.