“Then why did you volunteer?”

A sad look entered Melba’s eyes. “I guess I was just hoping to score some points with my granddaughter. Her other grandma is real creative—always making her cute little tutus and coming up with fun games and craft ideas for them to do together. When I invite Pip over, all she gets to do is help me take care of my foster animals.”

“Which I’m sure she loves.”

Melba smiled. “She does. She’s a chip off the old block. She says she’s going to be a veterinarian when she grows up. I don’t doubt it with the way she helps me out.” Her eyes turned hopeful. “Which is why I’d like to do something really special for her. I could pay you.”

Liberty knew Melba couldn’t afford to pay Holiday Sisters Events prices. Not that Liberty would ever take money from her . . . nor could she deny the woman help. No matter how much it hurt to be around little kids. And since her sisters were pregnant, she needed to quit being a wussy and get over her phobia.

“I’ll help you,” she said. “But not for money. After everything you’ve done for my family and this town, I’ll be happy to do a party for your granddaughter free of charge.”

Melba’s eyes widened. “Oh, I couldn’t let you do that. I’d have to give you something. You sure you don’t want Buck Owens?”

“I’m sure.” Liberty lifted her phone and opened her notes. “Now what else does your granddaughter like besides animals?”

Once she’d gotten all the information she needed from Melba, Liberty headed back to the ranch. On the way, Belle called. This was the longest they had been apart. Just hearing her voice made Liberty feel happy.



“I miss you,” they said at the same time, and then laughed.

“So how are things going?” Liberty asked.

Belle quickly filled Liberty in on everything that had been happening since the last time they spoke—all the events she’d just hosted and all the ones coming up on the calendar. Belle had an entire list of things she wanted Liberty to help her decide on. Decision-making was not Belle’s forte. She worried too much about making mistakes. Liberty, on the other hand, didn’t worry at all about making the wrong decision.

Her bet with Jesse being a perfect example.

“Go with the low arrangements of hydrangeas instead of the high tulips,” she said. “That way people can talk to the people seated across the table from them.”

“As always, you’re right, Libby,” Belle said. “Hydrangeas it is. Oh, and the rental price of tables and chairs has gone up again. Maybe we should think about buying our own. It would be expensive at first, but save us money in the long run.”

“I agree that it would save money, but where would we store them? Our office space is jam-packed as is with decorations and event supplies.”

“Our lease is coming up. Maybe we should start looking for a new space. One with a larger storage area.”

“That will cost money too.”

“You’re right. But it never hurts to look. Maybe we’ll stumble on a real bargain.”

“I won’t be stumbling on anything, there’s still no Wi-Fi at the ranch. I swear it’s like living in a dead zone.”

Belle laughed. “It’s always been that way. If it’s making you go crazy, I’ll be happy to come early and help sort things out there while you take over here.”

Liberty would love to take her up on the offer, but it wouldn’t be fair. All the sisters were taking a turn helping out at the ranch. Liberty couldn’t shirk her responsibility.

That, and there was the bet to consider.

“No, it’s fine. I need to stay here because there have been some new developments. Corbin knows it’s our ranch he’s foreclosing on.”

There was a long stretch of silence before Belle spoke. “So I guess the meeting with him didn’t go well.”

“He didn’t show up. He’s in Paris with his sister. He sent his friend.” She quickly filled her sister in on all the details. Then because she had never kept anything from her twin sister, she told her about the two kisses and the bet. Belle did not sound happy about any of it.

“Oh, Lib, this isn’t good.”

“It will be if I win.”