She intended to achieve that goal.

“I’m staying,” she said. “Not only is it my turn to be here and help Mama, Daddy, and Mimi, but I was high school friends with Corbin. If he’s going to listen to anyone in the family, it’s going to be me. Not to mention that you shouldn’t have the added stress when you’re pregnant, Cloe.”

“She does have a point,” Sweetie said. “Stress isn’t good for expecting women. I’ve been reading up on it.” Both Cloe and Liberty stared at her with surprise and she blushed as she rested a hand on her stomach. “I’m pregnant.”

There was a pang of pain and just a twinge of jealousy before Liberty jumped up from her side of the picnic table to join Cloe in hugging Sweetie.

“That’s awesome news, Sweetie!”

“Our babies will be born only months apart,” Cloe said.

“I know,” Sweetie said. “They can be best friends.”

Liberty loved the thought of her nieces or nephews being close friends. “I’m so happy for y’all. Now Belle and I can plan a double baby show—”

She cut off when Fiona Stokes stepped out of the café. The older woman was decked out like always in an expensive suit, hose, heels, and her ratty mink stole.

Liberty couldn’t help but smile. She’d always admired Mrs. Stokes’s style. Not just her clothes, but also the way she thumbed her nose at society. She was a woman who did what she wanted and made no apologies for it. Whether it was her smoking habit, how she spent her loads of money, or the way she went through men like a raccoon went through trash, Mrs. Stokes was her own woman.

Not to mention that she didn’t have children and seemed quite happy.

“With the way your sisters are hugging on you,” Mrs. Stokes said. “And the way you’ve been ordering two Sour Lemon Poppy muffins instead of your usual one, I’m guessing you’re eating for two, Sweetheart Mae. I figured it would only be a matter of time before our virile sheriff got you in the mama way. How’s Decker takin’ the news?”

Sweetie’s smile was filled with love. “He’s over the moon just like I am.”

Mrs. Stokes nodded. “That’s how it should be.” Her gaze narrowed on Liberty. “If we’re going by birth order, that means you’re next.”

Again there was the pang of pain, but Liberty ignored it. “No babies for me . . . or over-the-moon daddies.”

“That’s what we all think until we get bitten by the love bug.” From what Liberty knew, Mrs. Stokes had been bitten quite a lot. “I figure you’re about due.”

Liberty might have argued some more if Mrs. Stokes hadn’t had a coughing fit. Everyone knew you didn’t talk during one of her fits. While Liberty was waiting for it to end, she heard a loud rumbling noise. The same loud rumbling noise she’d heard yesterday when she’d been helping her mama with the dinner dishes. She didn’t even have to look down the street to know what was coming.

But she looked anyway.

The truck took up one and a half lanes. The way the shiny chrome grille was made it looked like the truck was grinning as it barreled toward them with flags flapping on either side like red, white, and blue flames.

“Good Lord,” Cloe said. “What’s that?”

“The annoying redneck I was telling you about,” Liberty grumbled.

Sweetie sent her a warning look. “Remember how to catch flies, Libby.”

Liberty hated that her sister was right. She might not like Jesse, but she needed to be nice to him. Just in case he did have the ability to sway Corbin.

She plastered on a smile as the truck pulled into two spaces. The door swung open and Jesse jumped out. He was wearing his standard outfit of white T-shirt, faded jeans, and the crumpled hat. It looked like he’d formed a truce with Taylor Swift because he was holding the kitten, its furry little head peeking out between his thumb and pointer finger. Even though Liberty didn’t like the man, she had to admit the sight of the rough cowboy holding Tay-Tay caused a slight twinge in her heart.

He seemed to be lost in thought because he didn’t notice Liberty until he was almost to the door of the café. He stopped in his tracks and those soft brown eyes locked on her. She tried to hold on to her smile, but it was hard when a wave of heat washed over her like she’d just stepped outside on a hot August day.

What the hell? Now all he had to do was look at her and she melted.

Thankfully, Sweetie hadn’t lost her ability to speak. “You must be Jesse Cates.” She held out a hand. “I’m Sweetie Carson.”

Jesse pulled his gaze away from Liberty and shook Sweetie’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I’d take off my hat, but my hands are kind of full.”

“Aww, what a sweetheart.” Sweetie went to pet Tay-Tay, but the kitten hissed and she pulled her hand back.

“Sorry,” Jesse said. “She’s meaner than a rattlesnake.”