Was I taking things too far and too literal with the chalkboard? Maybe so, but at least I was having fun doing it. I was still in a bad mood from last night, but I was determined to ignore the bad feelings about my friends and concentrate on Zoe. She was, quite literally, my dream woman, and I wasn’t about to fuck that up. Not over alcohol, and not over my friends and their stupid preconceived notions.
With sleep had come clarity, and I’d realized that their misguided perceptions of me were just as much my fault as theirs. I’d spent far too long playing the role in public, all the while knowing full well I wasn’t the person they thought I was. My fault. And eventually I’d fix it.
Today, though, I just wanted to have some fun.
On the board under Lesson Number One, I wrote “Always use Titles”, smirking when I saw Zoe react exactly how I thought she would. Raising my brows at her, I looked down my nose, and for the first time ever wished I hadn’t been born with twenty-twenty vision.
“Is there a problem, Ms. Kramer?”
“What? Oh no, Sir, no problems here.” A lovely blush rode up her pale cheeks as she pulled her robe closer to her body.
“Very good. Stand, please.”
But Zoe had fallen right into the role of bratty student and did not obey. “Daddy… Sir… I mean, um, Professor Ames…”
She raised her hand halfway and blinked innocently. Just the expression on her face made my dick hard.
“Yes, Ms. Kramer?”
“Sir, I’ve already passed this lesson several times. I think I need to be moved into a more…. advanced… class.”
The innuendo was clear. Heat rose up my chest, making me glad I hadn’t bothered to dress while she was in the restroom. I wanted to cart her off to the bedroom for lesson number two right then, but I forced myself to stay in character.
“This is a review lesson, Ms. Kramer. If you pass it you’ll move on to the next lesson.”
“Oh, I’ll pass it,” Zoe said, her voice full of determination and innuendo. “With honors.”
Damn. My cock was rock-hard now, tenting my sweatpants. She had to notice, but she didn’t say anything, and kept her gaze trained somewhere between my face and my chest.
“Well, we’ll just see about that.” I cleared my throat. “Stand please, Ms. Kramer.”
She obeyed this time, looking nervous and yet also intrigued as she rose to her feet.
I moved to grab the cane I’d stashed while she was in the bathroom, curling it into my fist, enjoying the way her eyes widened when she stared at it. I was pretty sure I could see the goosebumps rising on her skin.
“I’m going to ask you a bunch of questions, and each time you answer, you must use my appropriate title. If you don’t you’ll get six strokes of the cane.”
Her head bobbed up and down, her red-silver curls bouncing. “Yes, Sir… um… Daddy… Um Professor Ames…” She frowned and asked in an overdramatic whisper, “Um… which title did you want me to use?”
“Sir or Daddy is fine,” I answered, smiling indulgently. “Are you ready for your questions?”
“Yes, Sir.”
I started with the easy stuff. “What is your full name?”
“Zoe Rose Kramer.”
Blinking at how quickly she’d forgotten, I waited a beat for her to realize her mistake.
“Oh!” She clapped a hand over her mouth. “Shoot!” she cried when she removed it. “I mean, Zoe Rose Kramer, Sir!”
I shook my head. “Well Miss Zoe Rose Kramer, you are not doing well in school, it seems. And Daddy doesn’t like it when you forget your lessons. Come to the front of the classroom, please.”
I saw amusement warring with disappointment on her delicate features as she stood and shuffled over to me. Taking her by the shoulders, I turned her away from me. “Take off your robe.”
She responded with a soft sigh before obeying, untying the belt that held it closed and slipping it off her shoulders.