Page 62 of That One Touch

Sadie smiled at him. “You should have told me you were playing. I had to find out from a flier at work.”

Sadie ran a shop a couple of towns over. She lived above it. She was busy, he knew that, but she still made time for Delilah. She and her parents saw her every month.

“Who’s that?” she asked, looking over his shoulder.

He turned to look. And of course it was Cassie, back on stage. Staring at him with her brows pulled tight.

“Our new keyboardist.”

“What happened to the last one?”


Sadie wrinkled her nose. “I remember Jade telling me about him.”

Yeah, Alex had a reputation. “I gotta go. Have a good time tonight,” he told her.

“And you break a leg.”

“I’ll try not to.” He winked. That would finish Marley off completely. “Don’t drink and drive, okay.”

Her eyes met his and he could see understanding there. “Of course I won’t,” she said softly. “I promise.”

“You’re definitely being weird,” Cassie hiss-whispered after the first song. He’d barely looked at her the whole time they’d been on stage. What was it with his mood swings? She felt like she was watching a damn tennis match. “Can you at least look at me when you sing?”

“I was looking at you.”

Alex wandered over. “You two ready for the next song?”

She nodded and walked back to the keyboard. They’d already chosen to go with the previous playlist. Starting off with a fast song, segueing into the slower one.

And at least she could hide the fact that Presley was completely ignoring her with the fast one. But “Beautiful Liar” needed him to be singing to her.

This is your fault for telling him not to carry your bag.

He’d swung the other way. Was completely ignoring her. And truth be told, she didn’t like it.

She watched, her breath catching in her throat as Presley tipped his head down, his fingers forming the first chord. She could see the tip of his tattoo as it snaked up his neck, and the beads of perspiration that were breaking out on his skin.

And then he leaned forward. The room was so quiet she could hear the sharp inhalation of his breath before he strummed the first note and sang into the microphone.

“You walked toward me, your body full of grace…”

His voice was thick. True. It sent a shiver down her spine. She’d never met a man who put more emotion into his songs than Presley Hartson.

His eyes slid to hers as he hit the second line.

“The wind in your hair, the sun on your face.”

She parted her lips. His eyes narrowed but didn’t move from her at all. She felt the rush of blood through her veins as his lips formed the lyrics. A shiver snaked down her spine.

“Your lips were full of promises you never meant to keep.”

The corner of his own mouth quirked up at that line. She half smiled back, because she knew he was singing about himself here. The promise that it wouldn’t be weird.

But maybe she’d been wrong. Of course it would be weird. They’d had mind blowing sex and she was expecting him to act normally.

She was the weird one for making those kinds of demands.