Page 132 of That One Touch

“What did you come up with?”

“Well, if it was me I’d be suggesting you go straight home to Cassie’s and christen every room. But you two have the patience of a saint.”

His eyes met Cassie’s and he grinned, because alone time was a precious commodity. That was one of the things about being a single dad. You came as a package.

One she loved desperately.

But this alone time together, they both needed it. Date night. They’d agreed to do it once a week starting tonight.

“Tempting as that sounds, I’d like to feed her first,” he smiled. “I’m not a complete animal.”

“Just a partial one,” Cassie said, biting down a smile. Because there was that one time last week when things got the better of them, and they’d slipped outside and some things got done when Delilah was asleep.

Specifically her. She got done. So good her thighs were still clenching thinking about it.

In some ways, it was like she’d never left for New York. Gemma had welcomed her back with open arms, and after a couple of days she’d rediscovered her groove with her classes, much to the pleasure of her students.

And she’d called Alex. Who’d begrudgingly said that she’d done the right thing in coming home. They were due to play at a bar in a couple of weeks, but everybody was clear that this was all the band would ever be.

Just a bit of fun. A hobby. Marley had laughed and told them he didn’t want it any other way. Alex had asked if he could keep posting TikToks.

And yeah, they were all okay with that.

She’d even called her mom. Told her where she was living now. And yes, her mom hadn’t seemed very interested but for the first time in her life it hadn’t hurt when she hung up with her. There was an acceptance there. Her mom would never be involved in her life.

But she’d found her family. Her home. With the Hartson’s. Maddie was as excited to have a new woman in the family as Cassie was to be there. They’d already made a date to go to a spa in a few weeks time.

She smiled at the thought of it.

“What’s got you grinning?” Presley asked.

“Just thinking about your mom.”

Gemma laughed out loud. “Is that the most unromantic sentence in history, or what?”

“Shut up. I like Presley’s mom.” Cassie shook her head, grinning.

“Yeah, but try not to think about her tonight, okay?”

Presley groaned. “Can we stop talking about my mom, please?”

“You started it,” Cassie pointed out. “You’re the one who asked what I was smiling about.”

“I take it back,” he said, deadpan. “Let’s not think of any family members tonight.

“We can try,” she agreed.

They said goodbye to Gemma, and then they walked over to the Beast. Pres had promised to drive her to work in the morning, since she wouldn’t have her car at home.

And of course he opened the door for her, because he was definitely half-gentleman half-animal.

Like a minotaur. But better looking.

She smiled to herself again.

“I’m not asking this time,” he said, climbing into the driver’s seat.

“You can ask. No family members are involved.”