Page 128 of That One Touch

“But she likes singing with you, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah, she does. Why don’t you sit here and I’ll call her.” He pointed at an empty leather bucket seat. Delilah jumped into it, twisting herself around until she was sitting upright, her legs dangling only halfway to the floor.

Pres hit Cassie’s number and waited for the call to connect. And of course it went to voicemail.

Damn. Was he doing the right thing? He hoped so – there was no way he was driving back to Hartson’s Creek now.

Then his phone pinged with a message from her and his heart did a leap.

Sorry – just setting up to try out a new song. Can I call you in a few minutes? Love you – C xx

No problem. Just wanted to wish you a good day. Love you more. – Presley xx

“Didn’t she answer?” Delilah asked, her eyes catching his. His breath caught at the trust in them. She believed he could make everything right.

“No, but I know where she is. Let’s go find her.”

“Okay!” Delilah grinned. “I love this adventure.”

“Cassie?” Cho, Bryan’s assistant whispered to her. “There’s a little problem in the lobby.”

Cassie looked at Cho. She really liked the woman. Bryan, not so much, but you had to take the rough with the smooth.

“Can it wait?” Cassie asked. “I just need to make a phone call.” She was desperate to talk to Presley. Yes, they’d spoken last night, but when he’d told her about Delilah missing her and wanting to talk it had made her heart clench.

Was it possible to feel this desperately homesick for a place that’s only been your home for a few months? She hadn’t thought so, but then she hadn’t lived in Hartson’s Creek before.

Home hadn’t had Presley and Delilah in it before, either. She had a little framed photo of them beside her hotel room bed. Gemma had given it to her. She’d taken it one day without Presley knowing. He was holding Delilah in his arms and Delilah was holding a bag of rainbow colored cotton candy she’d fallen in love with. And they both had their head tipped back as they laughed uproariously at something.

She couldn’t remember what they were laughing at, but the photograph brought her such joy. Peace, too.

Like her anchor was still there. Just in another state, waiting for her.

“Five minutes and we’re going again,” Bryan shouted out. Every day so far had been like this. Rehearsals in the morning, meetings in the afternoon and evening. They’d been styled to within an inch of their lives, and they’d already had a photoshoot of ‘the band’, even though they didn’t feel like one.

And all through it, she was just going through the motions. For him.

Because Presley needed this. And she’d do whatever it took.

Cho gave her a tight smile. “I’ll tell them to come back later.”

“Who is it?” Cassie asked.

Cho glanced at Bryan then leaned forward, keeping her voice low enough for only Cassie to hear. “It’s one of the people from the band you used to be in.”

“Did he give you a name?” she asked, pushing down the feeling of excitement. Because there was a ninety-nine point nine percent chance it was Alex, trying to get in on things.

“No, but he has a little girl with him.”

Her heart just about stopped. “Does she look about six?” Cassie asked.

“I don’t know. It’s a kid.” Cho wrinkled her nose. “I don’t have any. I’m bad at ages.”

But Cassie didn’t need the answer. She knew. And her heart knew, too. “I’m going now,” she said. “If Bryan comes looking for me, tell him I’m taking a bathroom break.”

Cho glanced from the corner of her eye to where Bryan and the bassist were having a heated discussion. “Um, he wants you to start again in five minutes.”

“I know. But this can’t wait.”