Page 120 of That One Touch

“I do.” But she didn’t like it. Not one bit. “What if I don’t want to sing in the band?”

“Then you come home.”

“What if I know right now that I don’t want to?” This was stupid, she knew it. She was going around in circles. All these things she’d been thinking about when she should be sleeping.

Presley swallowed. He’d stopped over to her place after work again. He could stay longer this time – his mom had called and told him she knew everything. On the plus side, she’d also offered to have Delilah stay for dinner.

Which gave them a few hours. Together.

And they both needed that.

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I don’t know what I’d do if you said that. And I don’t want you to feel like I’m forcing you to go. But I also know that I’d feel guilty if you don’t.” He reached for her, sliding his fingers into hers. “There’s no right answer here. I’m just trying to work out the best thing to do. For us all.”

“You’re so much like your mom.”

He smiled. “Most people say I’m like my dad.”

“You’re that too. The best of both of them.” She squeezed his fingers with hers. “Listen, can you do me one favor?”

“Just say it.”

“We have three hours tonight, right?”

“Yeah.” He nodded.

“And tomorrow I’m going to have to pack. And I think I’m going to need to do it alone.”

“Understood.” And dammit he did look like he was understanding. Why did he have to be so sweet?

It was like having your heart broken by a cute puppy. You wanted to be angry with him but you couldn’t.

She loved him too much.

“How about you come for dinner with me and Delilah before you start packing?” he asked. “I’ll finish early. Pick her up from school.”

Her eyes met his. “Are you sure you’re okay with me seeing her?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because I’m leaving. And that could upset her.”

He traced her lips with his finger. “I’ve explained it to her. And she’s more annoyed that you won’t be teaching her dance class than anything else.”

Cassie sniffed. “I’m going to miss her.”

“I know. And we’re going to miss you. But give it a chance. Throw yourself into it. See if you like it. And don’t worry about us, we’ll be just fine.”

“You know I’m going to call you every night, right?”

He smiled. “I’m good with that.”

“And if you change your mind…” she trailed off because that wasn’t fair. She’d already asked him what he’d do if she stayed.

She knew he’d welcome her back. That’s what he did. But maybe she had something to prove. To him.

She wanted him to know how much she cared. How much she loved him.

“We now have two hours and forty five minutes,” she said, because yeah, she was counting. “Can we spend them in bed. Not talking about any of this?”