Page 112 of That One Touch

“Not for a second. But I’m not you. And you were always better than me.”

“Shut up.” Cassie rolled her eyes.

“I’m serious. You have a talent. The trifecta.” Gemma grinned. “Isn’t that what they trained us for. One door closing and another opening? You just need to work it through. That’s all.”

“I need to talk to Presley,” Cassie murmured, because she didn’t want to make this decision alone.

“Yeah you do.” Gemma nodded, patting her arm. “That’s my girl.”

“Hey.” Presley was standing on her doorstep, leaning against the porch wall. “I got your message. Are you okay?”

She opened the door. She’d asked him to stop by before he picked up Delilah. And yeah, she felt guilty about that because she knew that Delilah would have to wait to see her daddy.

But she couldn’t have this conversation in front of the little girl. And she couldn’t have it on the phone either.

Most of all she didn’t trust Alex not to go shooting his mouth off in town before she had the chance to talk with Presley. She was pretty sure by the weekend everybody would know that she’d been offered a contract with a new band.

“Thanks for coming by,” she said softly. “Come in.” She stepped aside so he could walk into her hallway. He gave her a confused look then walked in, pulling her into his arms.

Damn, she didn’t know how much she needed that. She rested her head against his chest, loving the feel of his strong arms around her. Squeezing her eyes tightly, she inhaled him in.

“I missed you,” she murmured.

“Right back at you.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “What’s up? I was worried when I got your message.”

She took a deep breath, looking up at him. “Alex came to see me at the studio today.”

He blinked, surprised. “Alex did? Our Alex? Why?”

“The record label wanted to talk to me. They only had his number. So he rushed over so I could talk to them as quickly as possible.”

Presley’s eyes caught hers. She could see the concern in them, the confusion as well. “Why did they want to talk to you?” he asked her softly.

She hated this. Hated having to tell him. She wished they’d never offered her the stupid contract. Maybe if it had been a bigger town, or if she knew Alex could keep a secret she never would have had to tell Presley.

No, that was wrong. She loved him. Of course she would have told him regardless.

“They found another band,” she told him, her chest so tight it was hard to breathe. “And they want me to be part of it.”

His eyes were still on hers. And she watched as he slowly blinked, comprehending the words she’d just told him. “They offered you the gig?” he asked, his voice thick.

“I’m going to turn it down.” She’d already told Alex that. And he’d told her she needed to think about it. Let him get the contract and see what the terms were before rejecting it.

And yeah, she probably could have looked up the switchboard number and called Bryan herself. But she was certain, anyway.

“You didn’t turn it down already?” His face was expressionless. She wished she knew what he was thinking.

“No. Mostly because Alex has all the details. But they can’t do anything without my say so. I just needed to tell you. Because Alex probably will.”

“Okay.” He nodded, still betraying no emotion. “Congratulations.”


“Because they know a good thing when they see it. I always said you were too good for us.”

“Don’t be silly. And you’re the one who’s too good,” she told him.

“You’re not exactly impartial.” He lifted a brow.