Page 110 of That One Touch

“Hi Bryan.”

“Listen, we really loved the way you sang at the audition, but we decided to go with another group.”

“Oh, okay.” She shot Alex a look. Had he really dragged her out here so she could hear the rejection first hand. “No problem.”

“But I have a proposal for you,” he continued.

“What kind of proposal?” she asked him.

Alex lifted a brow, looking smug. She wrinkled her nose at him.

“The band we’ve gone with is almost there. But they need a female singer. We immediately thought of you. You’d be perfect for them. We’ve shown them your music and videos and they’re very keen on you joining them in New York.”

She laughed. “Sorry, what?”

“We want to sign you.”

Her eyes met Alex’s. “But I’m already in a band.”

He started shaking his head.

“What?” she mouthed at him.

He gave a dramatic sigh and she decided to ignore him.

“I understand that. But I’ve spoken to Alex and he thinks this is a great opportunity for you. He’s happy to release you if you’re ready to join us.”

“I…” She blinked. What did Alex have to do with it? “I don’t think I can do that.”

Alex practically ripped the phone out of her hand. “What are you doing?” he hissed.

“Did you know about this?”

“Of course I did. It’s fucking amazing.” His voice was low. “Just… let me handle it.”

She felt strange. Like there was ringing in her ears. Alex put the phone to his ear. “Hi Bryan, she’s kind of overwhelmed.” He laughed. “Yeah, right?” There was a pause. “Oh no, she just needs to sort out some work commitments, but it’s all good. Yeah, I’m her manager. Send everything over to me and we’ll work it out. Speak later.” He hung up before Cassie could even take it in.

“Why are you frowning?” he asked her. “Aren’t you happy? I’m happy for you.” He gave her a grin. “I mean, I’d be even happier if I was involved too, but this is great. What a fucking opportunity.”

Her heart was hammering against her chest. “Alex, did they just offer me a contract?”

“Yes, dummy. They did.”

“I can’t do it. Not without you all.” She shook her head. All she could think about was Presley. She wasn’t going to do this. Not without him.

“Of course you can.” Alex laughed. “We won’t mind. We’ll be delighted for you.”

“But what about the band?” she asked. But that wasn’t what she meant. Not at all.

She just couldn’t find the words to express what she was feeling.

“We’ll find another keyboardist.” He winked at her. “And at least this time it’s not my fault you’re leaving. Well it is, but at least this is a good thing.”

“That’s amazing,” Gemma said, hugging her. “I’m so happy for you.”

The class had finished and all the little ones had left the studio with their parents, leaving Cassie and Gemma alone.

“I’m not doing it,” she told her. “It’s stupid.”