Page 109 of That One Touch

And she liked that a little too much.



“Can I borrow you for a minute?” Gemma put her head around the door of the studio. Cassie looked up, surrounded by a group of toddlers and their moms. She couldn’t hide her surprise. Gemma didn’t usually interrupt her during class time.


“It’s okay. I’ll cover the class.”

Her chest tightened. Gemma didn’t usually do that either. She walked over to the door, a frown pulling at her lips. “Is everything okay?” she asked in a low voice. They’d been back from New York for a week, and she’d tried to make up for her absence by covering a few of Gemma’s classes, too. Which meant she was tired, but it was a good kind of tired.

Everything felt pretty good these days. Even Pres was in a good mood, mostly due to the fact that neither Bryan nor his team had called them. It wasn’t a big surprise that the record company didn’t want them. They’d made as much clear when they only had them play one song.

Not that she minded. It didn’t feel like their trip was wasted, not when she’d gotten to spend two days with Pres.

Her face flushed at the memory.

“Yeah, sorry,” Gemma’s voice brought her back into the present. “I didn’t mean to worry you. It’s just that your friend Alex is at the desk and he’s insistent you come talk to him right now.”

“Alex as in Alex from the band?” Well that was weird. “Why isn’t he at work?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. I asked him if it could wait until after class but he insisted. I had a feeling he’d march right in here and pull you out if I didn’t.”

Oh damn. Was he in a fit again about Presley? She hadn’t talked to Alex or Marley this week. They’d decided to take a week off from rehearsals. She’d assumed that was mostly because Alex was still feeling bitter about the audition, but she didn’t push it.

To be honest, she needed the break. And she knew that Presley did, too.

She hadn’t seen him since they got back, but she’d talked to him on the phone. They’d made arrangements for Saturday night. They were going to take Delilah to the drive in theater. Presley was pretty sure she wouldn’t stay awake for the whole movie so he planned to have her in her pajamas and make her a little bed in the flatbed of his truck.


He looked up as she turned the corner into the reception area. “Finally.” He shook his head. “I’ve been calling you.”

“And I’ve been in class. My phone is in the staff room.” She inclined her head at the door next to the reception desk. “What’s so urgent?”

“You need to call the record label. Now.”

“What? Why?” She pursed her lips, trying to think of a single possible reason that the label would want to talk to her.

Alex grumbled beneath his breath, then pulled his phone out and hit a button. “Just talk to them. You can thank me later.”

She looked at the phone he was holding out like it was some kind of alien artefact. “Did we leave something behind?” she asked him. “Can’t it wait? I need to get back to my class.”

He huffed and lifted the phone to his ear. “Hi, it’s Alex from Altered Reality. Bryan called about half an hour ago. I’m with Cassie Simons. He wanted to talk to her.” There was a pause. “Yeah, I’ll wait.”

“What’s going on?” she mouthed at him.

For the first time he smiled. And it was genuine. Well okay then, she’d deal with this then get back to her students.

“Yep, she’s here,” Alex said, holding the phone out to her again.

This time she took it.


“Cassie? It’s Bryan.” She tried not to smile when he didn’t give his last name. As though he was the only Bryan in the world.