Page 106 of That One Touch

“The one that should have ice skating but doesn’t?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

“Oh.” He wrinkled his nose. “I thought it’d be bigger.”

She looked at him from the corner of her eye. “Are you being serious about all this?” She wasn’t sure if he was playing with her or not.

“About what?” he asked, the picture of innocence.

“About not having been here before.”

“Serious as a boy scout.” He touched his brow with the tips of his fingers. “Pinky swear.”

“Well okay then. Let’s start walking.”

Alex and Marley walked ahead, Pres lingering to slide his arm around her shoulders. “Okay?” he asked, kissing her brow.


Alex turned around to look at them, then groaned. “Can you two put the PDA on hold, please? We have some serious tourism to do.”

Pres smiled against her brow. “Nope, sorry. You’re lucky we even left the hotel at all. If it wasn’t for Cassie being nice, we’d be naked in the shower right now.”

“Eww.” Alex wrinkled his nose. “Enough already. Now let’s go and pay our respect to John Lennon. Before I barf up that hotdog I just ate.”

“I told you, we’re not coming.” Pres shook his head. He was standing in the door of their hotel room, blocking Alex from walking in. Cassie was behind him, sniggering as she looked over his shoulder, mostly because Alex looked like a kid who’d just learned that Santa didn’t exist.

“Oh come on, man. It’s going to be boring if it’s just the two of us.” Alex pouted.

“Thanks.” Marley lifted a brow. “You’re making me feel all warm inside.”

“Just come to the club for a couple of hours,” Alex said. “You know you want to.” He’d been sulking ever since Presley had told them over dinner that he and Cassie had other plans tonight. “This is supposed to be the band’s trip. Not your chance to have sex with your girlfriend.”

“The band’s trip?” Presley repeated, amused. “Who said it was a band trip?”

“We’re auditioning tomorrow. The band. Us.” Alex pointed at himself, then at the other three. “We should be bonding. Drinking together. Dancing. Sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll, isn’t that what it’s all about?”

“Two out of three ain’t bad,” Presley told him. “Now have a good night. I hope you have lots of sex. Because that’s what I intend to do.” He gave them a pointed look then stepped back to close the door.

“Wait!” Alex shouted. “What time should we meet in the morning?”

Pres sighed. “Nine in the lobby. Cass and I are having breakfast in bed.”

“Can’t we have breakfast together?” Alex asked.

“Jesus, you’re worse than Delilah,” Pres muttered. He looked at Marley, who looked like he was about to explode with laughter.

His brother didn’t give a flying fuck that he and Cassie weren’t joining them. He liked music and he liked to dance, and he was planning on doing both.

“Come on,” Marley said, pulling at Alex’s shoulder. “Let’s leave them alone. The first round is on me.”

“Why didn’t you say so?” Alex turned around, walking down the hallway to the elevators. Marley winked at Pres.

“Have a good evening,” Pres told him.

“Likewise,” Marley said, grinning. “Though I suspect you both will.” He lifted a hand in farewell and followed Alex down the hallway as Pres closed the door.

“Jesus,” he said, leaning against it. “He’s exhausting.”