Page 100 of That One Touch

“Seriously,” Gemma agreed. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this parenting thing. I just keep making mistakes. So let’s talk about you instead.” She leaned forward, her eyes sparkling. “I heard you and Presley made it official.”

“You and the rest of Hartson’s Creek,” Cassie muttered. “I can’t tell you how many moms asked me about it when they were picking their kids up from class today.”

“Ugh.” Gemma wrinkled her nose. “People do love to gossip. But don’t worry, tomorrow the subject of the day will be my excellent parenting skills.”

Cassie chuckled. “You’re a great mom. You don’t have to worry about that.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Even Presley got some questions about us at the construction site. It was so funny. He sounded disgusted when he told me.”

“He called you today?” Gemma asked, her head tipped to the side.

“A few times,” Cassie admitted.

“Oh that man has it bad.” Gemma clapped her hands together. “And he should. I’m so pleased for you.”

“It’s still new,” Cassie pointed out. Because she was trying not to get giddy herself. “Neither of us wanted to tell people yet. It’s only because of Delilah and his fear that somebody else would say something.”

Gemma put her hands on her chest. “He’s such a good dad. Isn’t that hot?”

“It’s smoking,” Cassie agreed, sighing.

“And he has that grumpiness, too.” Gemma grinned. “Except when he’s with you.”

“Oh, he’s grumpy with me,” Cassie said.


Cassie bit down a smile. Because his grumpiness almost always ended in sex. It was hot. It turned her on. She liked the challenge of making him smile.

And when he did, it felt like waking up on Christmas morning to see that Santa had come.

Except it wasn’t Santa who got to come.

“Come on. Give me the details. The last time Riley and I had sex I think Clinton was still president.”

“You were an infant when Clinton was president,” Cassie pointed out. God, she loved this woman. Especially because she knew Riley and Gemma had a great sex life.

“I know. And it was actually last week, but then Andrew started crying because there was a butterfly in his room and he thought it was a baby bat.”

Cassie snorted.

“And you can laugh all you want, but when you move in with Presley you’ll have to deal with this too. You think Delilah won’t try to walk in on you while you’re doing the dirty?” Gemma asked. “She’ll make it her mission. You’ll never be able to have free and easy sex again.”

“You make it sound so enticing,” Cassie teased. “And anyway, we’re not moving in together.”

“But you will.”

Cassie shrugged. “We haven’t talked about it. And I don’t think he’d want to take that step without a lot of talking. It’s a huge commitment. Bigger than marriage because that’s just between two people. This is three.”

“Do you feel ready for that kind of commitment?” Gemma asked.

Cassie’s chest tightened. “It’s a little scary,” she said. “Because Delilah is such a lovely little girl. I could never hurt her. So I’d have to be ready. We all would.” She took a sip of coffee. “I’d hate for her to ever feel the way I felt whenever my mom ignored my calls or didn’t visit.”

“That’s why you’re such a good person,” Gemma said, patting Cassie’s hand. “Because you think of other people before you think of yourself.”

“We have less than one week until the audition,” Alex said, as the four of them sat around in the studio behind Presley’s parents’ house. “And we have to get this right. It’s make or break, kids.”

Presley lifted a brow but said nothing. Cassie glanced at him from the corner of her eye. She knew he still wasn’t happy about this whole audition. That he was only doing it for the rest of them.

Or for her, more specifically. And it made her feel warm and sad in equal measure.