She needs to move the fuck along.
“You run out of gas?”
“Is that a question?”
“Was yours?”
Her mouth momentarily bobs in confusion before releasing a heavy huff. “I honestly don’t know if I did!”
“How do you not know?”
“Because I wasn’t paying as close attention as I probably fucking should’ve been-”
“Definitely should’ve been.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you here to help me or judge me?”
“I can do both.” This time I let my smirk be seen. “I’m very talented.”
“Is that so Mr. Ripley?”
“That’s Mr. Damon to you.”
Irritation flares in her gaze until she spots the mirth in mine. At that point, her slender shoulders slightly relax. Her heaving chest slows. And the tiny metal ball I didn’t need to see again – but fuck me because I wanted to – is toyed with in a playful fashion. It doesn’t take long for the Benz beauty to collect her composure and retort, “I need a tow.”
“You mean you need me.”
“Nah…” Her eyes sparkle with undeniable trouble. “I think you need me.”
She’s wrong.
I don’t need trouble.
I don’t want trouble.
And I damn sure shouldn’t be towing trouble into our small town instead of out.
Rearranging my hold on the planks occurs for a second time. “I think I just need a card to run for my services.”
At that, the mouthy female noticeably shifts in her seat. “Does it need to be a card, or can it be in cash?”
“You actually got cash?”
“You actually think I’m asking these questions to continue our stellar conversation?”
Ignoring the ache in my balls grows in difficulty. “You actually think you’d be the first broad to imply she’s got cash only to then try to bargain for a blowjob instead?”
“While it’s tax deadline clear you desperately need a blowjob…” the woman keeps her attention on me yet uses one hand to reach over into her black backpack, “I’m talking actual cash.” She flashes two hundred dollars bills at me. “See how it’s green and not Monopoly colored?”