Page 6 of Mafia Savior

Charlie grabs Ashely’s hand. “Oh my gosh! There you are. They’re about to call you up for the big announcement.” She drags Ashely down the hall to the ballroom.

Ashely calls to me over her shoulder as she trips down the hall. “Come on, Beckett. Let’s go!”

I chuckle, watching the women teeter-run-walk in their high heels. Why do they wear those ridiculous shoes anyway? They can’t be comfortable.

With what feels like the weight of the world on my shoulders, I’m feeling antisocial tonight. I slip into the ballroom, taking a spot against the back. I sip my bubbly, pretending it’s a light beer.

Ashely stands on stage, the crystals of her gown sparkling under the bright lights. Boston strides over to join her. The two are polar opposites but somehow complement one another perfectly. He’s covered in tattoos, including a set of angel wings on his face.

He’s dressed all in black, as per usual, his sleeves rolled up over his forearms. Tonight, he’s wearing his black Doc Martens boots. No tux, but he’s got his dark hair gelled back. I’m sure the style was my sister’s effort to make him look a little more formal.

The family claps, then waits for them to speak.

Ashely gives a big hello, waits through more cheers, then with her always-perfect manners, she goes on to thank everyone for coming before moving on to her big announcement.

She’ll be starting her own company.

She gives the crowd a big smile. “Doggie B Good—B for Bachman, of course, our little inside nod to the family—will be the premier line of dog food for the city’s elite. Every fancy doggo in NYC will be chowing down on our premium line of all organic, locally raised beef, farmed fish, and chicken dinner products. But of course, as always in this family, we give back to our community as much as possible. The real focus of selling Doggie B Good, other than spoiling all our fur babies, is that all proceeds from the business will go right into our program, Bachman Buddies.” My sister glances up at her man, ready for him to take over their speech. “I’m going to turn it over to Boston to tell you a little bit more about that.”

Boston gives the crowd a cool wave. They erupt in a chorus of cheers. Boston’s a perfect balance to my sister in every way. He’s all cut-and-dried following her elegant speech.

“What began as my obsession with dogs has grown into training rescue dogs to be therapy dogs for wounded vets. Hence, Bachman Buddies. We have so many brothers who come from military backgrounds and we’ve already matched twelve grateful friends of the family with their special pals.”

Cue more clapping and cheering.

“And there’s one more thing we’d like to share with our family tonight.” Ashely’s staring at me, giving me “the look.” She tilts her head to the left, gesturing at the open space beside her.


When she said she needed me by her side, she was not being metaphorical. She wants my ass on that stage for her next announcement. I hate, hate, hate public attention. Unless I’m hitting a home run and running the bases, I’d rather not have the crowd’s eyes on me.

I shake my head, mouthing to her, “Please, no.”

Her right brow flies sky-high, her hands going to her hips. Classic big sister pose. I’d better move my feet. Now. Heaving a sigh, I apologize as I make my way through the crowd to the stage.

Boston’s wrapping up his end of the speech. He extends an invitation to the family. “If you’re new to the family and didn’t make our wedding and haven’t been out to our country house yet, please, come out and visit us.”

House being a complete understatement.

He and my sister own about fifty acres of rolling hills, complete with a private, gated road that leads to their massive estate home, guesthouse, barns, and a massive garage with multiple bays to house his luxury car habit.

Ashely hums with energy, practically bouncing up and down beside him, excitement bursting from her face as she tries to hold herself together long enough for me to get up on stage for her big news. I make my way to her left side, sandwiching her between Boston and me.

I lean down. “Stop bouncing all over the place. You look like you have to pee.”

“Oh my God, I do. I always do now,” she whisper-yells back to me.


She laughs. “Human nature.”

The crowd finally dies down. Her manicured fingernails go to the tiny, unnoticeable curve of her belly. Her voice shakes as she speaks. “On top of all that, we’re super excited to announce…” Her eyes turn up to meet Boston’s.

There’s so much love in her eyes, I feel a twinge of longing in my own belly, wishing I could have a partner of my own and find the same love and happiness that she’s found with Boston.

