Page 86 of Mafia Savior

She visited the Village spa just before we left. Her long, dark tresses have been freshly glossed. Her hair hangs in shiny waves over her shoulders. She wears a sleeveless black linen dress with a short, full skirt that she calls her Audrey Hepburn dress. She’s got a large pair of pink sunglasses shading her lightly made-up face.

Since Rhett has become a Bachman Beauty, she’s ramped up her femininity as well as her spending. Nothing makes me happier than to see her return home from shopping with the girls, a huge smile on her face, her arms full of white Daughtry’s bags that she insists on carrying home herself. It’s not the sexy new outfits and accessories that have me grinning from ear to ear when she comes home to me.

It’s knowing that she’s happy, that she’s fitting in, that they love her as much as I do. I always knew she was one of us. I thank God every day that I was the lucky Bachman man who got to make it official.

Betty Cakes turns her soulful, chocolate brown eyes on me and barks. Two short yips followed by a tail wag. That’s my cue. Without speaking, I shoot out my right arm. Not missing a beat of her stride, Rhett passes Betty Cakes into my arm.

“Come here, sweetheart.” I scoop her under my arm, one-handed, still pulling the suitcase behind me with the other. After being married for a short time, Rhett and I have become an unstoppable team, often communicating without even speaking.

Betty Cakes is our baby. Almost as spoiled as our niece, Rosie, the little dog has stolen our hearts. She looks up at me, giving me a polite little lick on my cheek. Her version of a thank you kiss.

We know all her signs. Just like Rose’s grunts before she could speak, she’s a wordless, clear communicator. Two barks and the tail wag, she wants me. A whimper followed by a whine means Rhett needs to pick her up. A loud bark that sounds like she’s imitating a lab four times her size?

It’s dinnertime.

We return to the same mansion we stayed at the first time we visited the Parish, when I brought her here to keep her safe.

We go straight up to the bedroom. All our stuff has already been delivered and unpacked. There’s a fire roaring in the fireplace.

I settle Betty Cakes into her little fluffy pink bed, right by the fire. She does her obligatory three circles, then, exhausted by travel, drops down on the cushion. She tucks her tail underneath her and nods off to sleep.

Oh yeah… our perfect pooch? She snores. Loudly.

I flip on some soft, sensual music to drown Betty Cakes’ gorilla-like sounds as well as to set the mood. I help Rhett Woods out of her sexy lawyer outfit, revealing a matching hot-pink bra and panty set.

“Damn, girl. Are you kidding me with this sexiness?”

She gives a giggle as she goes to slip off the shiny pink pumps.

“No. Leave them on.”

She gives me a sexy grin, perching her pink sunglass on the top of her head, all sassy-like. Facing me, she eases herself back on her elbows, lying back on the bed like a lingerie model. She stretches out those long, tanned legs of hers, the pink color of her scanty outfit amazing against her skin.

She’s been working so much, my gut tells me she must have hit the spray tanner at the Village spa in preparation for her trip. If I’m right, then she’ll be tan…


I’ll soon find out.

“Let’s see which toy I want to use on my wife first.” Her teeth sink into her full lip in anticipation as she watches me with wide eyes.

First, I undress. She loves seeing me slowly take my clothes off. It turns me on to watch her watching me.

Careful not to wake the baby, I sift through the suitcase, looking for the perfect thing. I find exactly what I need. A small, hot-pink vibrator curved to fit perfectly against her pussy.

The room is silent and still and calm around us with the sounds of the crackling fire and soft music, the air between us heavy with anticipation. I hold the little pink vibrator against her pussy, over her pink panties, gently teasing her with its buzz.

I wrap a hand around her waist, watching her sexy face as I pleasure her. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, her breaths come in shallow, rapid gasps. She let out a low moan as I move the vibrator around over her, exploring her curves with deft strokes.

My fingertips trace a path around her hips, sliding downward, pausing to softly caress her inner thighs. I feel a sudden damp heat of arousal emanating from her core.

I continue to move the vibrator in a slow, circular motion, gradually increasing the intensity of its vibrations. Her moans grow louder as her body begins to quiver, and I know she's at the brink.

I cut the vibrator off.

"What the heck!" Her mouth gapes, her eyes flying open.

I give a chuckle at her sassiness. "You know I like to make you beg."