Page 14 of Mafia Savior

She doesn’t answer me, just kisses me harder as our bodies latch tighter together. The promise of climax hits me. Hard. Choking my breath off in the back of my throat. Making me forget my own name.

My chest feels heavy, my head light. Stars spark at the back of my eyelids, sweat beads at my hairline. My pulse thrums in my eardrums. The orgasm calls to me.

A heady release bubbles up from my core, flowing through every inch of my body. A calm warmth spreads through my limbs.

She pulls away from me. She’s holding something in her hand. She opens her palm to show me.

It’s a gold pocket watch.

It looks old, like an antique. She flips it open, showing me its floral face. She doesn’t speak, just holds the watch out to me.

Is this her way of telling me it’s time for her to go?

I reach out for her. I can’t get to her in time.

She’s disappearing.

The warmth grows cold. My arms feel empty. I try to speak but I don’t hear my words. They’re trapped, bouncing around in my mind.

Wait… don’t go. I don’t even know your name.

I wake with a start, disoriented and confused. My eyes make out a narrow alleyway and the dense shadows that fill it. A deep chill rolls off the damp pavement, leaving my skin prickled with cold.

I was dreaming.

There was no girl.

Where am I?

A sharp pain shoots across my shoulder. My fingers go to the spot of fire. I pull them away, tacky with blood. There’s a sweatshirt I don’t recognize on the ground beside me, stained with bright red blood.

I look up. The sky above me is split in two. Half is darkness pierced by the orange glow of city lights, the other half a blanket of soft, pale rising sunlight.

It's morning?

How long have I been lying here?

I must have fallen asleep. What happened last night? A hazy memory comes to me.

I clearly remember the first half of the night. My sister’s event. Her big announcement. Wanting a smoke. Bruno’s son approaching me with an envelope.

I killed him.

Left him between the Village gates for the brothers to dispose of. My hands were shaking, my mind numb. I wasn’t ready to go back to the party. I needed to clear my mind. I went for a walk.

A voice stopped me on the street.

I turned to find the face of the man I’d just killed.

Standing in front of me. Alive. Breathing. Not a speck of blood on his blue shirt. Wait. Wasn’t he wearing a white shirt? I didn’t know.

"You," I said, my voice raspy with shock. "I thought..."

"My twin brother,” the man said.

"A twin?" It was like something out of a bad movie. "Seriously?"

I stared at him harder. No scar over his brow.