This is what I didn’t realize I was looking for until I met her.

This is all I’ll ever need.

This is worth fighting for, no matter what happens when we get back home.

I kiss her forehead, chest tightening when she hums happily and snuggles closer to my side.

Maybe I’ll be able to tell her I love her sooner than I thought.

Chapter 22


The next morning, I slip quietly out of bed, the better not to awaken the sexy beast sleeping beside me. After his performance last night, he definitely deserves his rest.

Body humming with happy memories, I tiptoe downstairs and take Freya out to roam the front of the cottage for a few minutes.

After she’s used the bathroom and is devouring her breakfast on the kitchen table, I put the kettle on for coffee. Then, I peek out the back door to check on our dish of cream, not really surprised to see it empty.

It’s been licked clean by…something.

But whether that something was a wild animal or a cryptid or a fairy, the forest doesn’t feel nearly as threatening this morning. The sun is shining through the thick foliage, the birds are singing, and the crisp air holds a hint of spring warmth that has me even more excited to reach the desert later today.

I pull in a breath, holding the clean air in my lungs for a beat before collecting the cream dish and closing the door behind me. When I turn back, Wesley’s in the kitchen, pouring coffee grounds into the top of the pour-over carafe I found in the cabinets.

With his morning scruff, rumpled hair, and soft pajama pants riding low on his hips, doing nothing to conceal the thickness behind the fabric, he looks good enough to have for breakfast.

Biting my lip, I cast a meaningful glance to his thighs before slowly dragging my gaze back to his face. “Is that all for me?”

“Every inch,” he says, setting aside the coffee grounds as he crosses toward me. “I was dreaming about you riding my cock, but when I woke up and reached for you, you weren’t there.”

I tut sympathetically, fighting a grin as he pulls me into his arms. “That’s a sad story,” I say, moaning as he grips my hips and pins my ass to his erection. “And that sounds like the kind of dream that needs to come true.”

“You. Me. The bathroom,” he says, murmuring the words in between kisses.

“Why the bathroom?” I ask, smiling against his lips.

“Because it has a door we can close to keep the little gremlin from spying on us, without having to wrangle her back into her crate. And shower sex with you is on my bucket list.”

“Clever man,” I say, letting him pull me into the bathroom, where he proves just how clever he is.

Our shower is the sexiest in recent memory, leaving me drunk on orgasms all over again. At this point, I don’t really need coffee to wake me up, but the grounds still smell delicious.

Leaving Wes to finish up in the bathroom, I head back out to the kitchen to reheat the water. I dry my hair with a towel and roll a ball for Freya with my foot, deciding to give Binx a call and check in while I wait for the water to boil.

She answers on the first ring with a flat, “Are you two still somewhere far away from here?”

Laughing, I say, “Yes. Why? Was Daria caught on camera smearing poop on my door again?”

“No, but she’s still being a giant pain in the ass. She bought a billboard by Bubba Jump’s and pasted a picture of Wes up there with the word ‘Cheater’ across his face in giant green letters.”

I wince. “That’s…not great.”

“No, it’s not. She also photoshopped devil horns on his head and scribbled in a dead tooth. It’s a very high-school yearbook breed of psycho.”

“Well, at least it’s on the way out of town. Not many people are going to see it.”

“And the people who do, will think it’s hilarious,” Binx agrees. “It’s just fucking annoying. Just leave my brother alone, woman. I mean, technically, yes, he cheated, I guess, but he’s faced consequences for it. I mean, you two would be perfect together, and you won’t even consider dating him. That’s a serious price to pay.”