Wes and I stayed up until ten, watching the stars put on a show in the desert sky, then putting on our own show between the sheets until after midnight. But when I wake up at six a.m., I’m practically vibrating with energy.

I bounce out of bed, donning my fedora before I even start the water for coffee.

Because today is a day for Lady Gray, a sunny, clear, gorgeous day, perfect for treasure hunting.

As soon as the coffee’s ready and the toast is browning in the toaster oven, I throw back the privacy curtain on the bed and announce in my best British accent, “Up we go, darling. Time and tide wait for no man. Or woman. Carpe diem and all that!”

Wes blinks up at me from his pillow, smiling. “Nice hat.”

Tipping the brim lower over one eye, I bat my lashes, continuing in my “Lady Gray” voice, “Thank you, darling. But compliments will get you nowhere this morning, I’m afraid. I’m after a different sort of treasure than the one between your legs.”

Wes’s snort becomes a cough and then a laugh. When he can finally draw a clear breath, he says, “Thank you? I think? I mean, at least you called it a treasure. Even if you don’t have time for it in your busy schedule at the moment.”

Clucking my tongue, I shoot him a thumbs-up. “Absolutely. A treasure indeed.”

His gaze darkens. “Nice accent. Any chance you might talk dirty to me like that later? If I’m a good boy?”

Crawling over the rumpled covers on my side of the bed, I come to hover over him on my hands and knees. “Dirty talk isn’t for good boys. Dirty talk is for boys who are deliciously naughty.”

“I think I can manage that,” he says, his fingers curling around my wrist, sending a sizzle across my skin. But sizzling will have to wait until later. We should get going before the sun gets higher and besides…delaying satisfaction can be fun.

“Oh, I bet you can. Later.” I bend, teasing the tip of my nose against his as I add, “Now, stop flirting, get up, and get dressed before I feed your toast to the ferret.”

He grunts. “I’m up, cruel temptress.” He swats at my ass, but I easily dodge his hand, laughing as I bounce off the bed. I fetch Freya’s chicken chunks and mealworms from the fridge, filling her bowl and setting it on the floor beside the door.

Wes pops into the bathroom. After a few moments, I hear the water turn on in the sink and call out in my normal voice, so he knows I mean business, “Don’t shave. We don’t have time and I like you scruffy.”

He opens the door, shaving cream already on his cheeks. “You’re bossy this morning.”

I smile. “I’m bossy every morning. You just don’t know me that well yet.”

“I know you,” he says, in a low, lovely voice that makes me feel warm all over. “Just let me wash this off, then, and I’ll be ready for breakfast.”

“Almond butter or peanut butter?” I ask.

“Surprise me,” he says, bending to splash water on his face.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, we’ve eaten, double-checked our gear bags, set up an obstacle course and toy area for Freya to keep her entertained while we’re gone, and Wes is pulling our bikes from the storage area in back.

“Do you think she’ll be cool enough inside?” I ask, fretting as I glance up at the cloudless sky. It’s beautiful, but once the sun gets a little higher, it will be baking the top of the camper for most of the day. The trees on the right side of our spot won’t provide shade until the sun starts to set.

“I have the air conditioning set to seventy-five,” he says, collecting our helmets before shutting the storage door. “If it gets any hotter than that, it’ll kick on and keep her cool.”

I lean into him, looping my arms around his neck. “So prepared. I love it.”

“I also packed extra protein bars and iodine pellets in case we need more water and can’t find a safe source out in the wild.” He draws me closer, his hands settling above the curve of my ass in a way that feels just right. “How sexy am I now?”

“Really fucking sexy,” I purr, teasing my nails up the back of his neck into his hair. “I mean, if we weren’t already outside with the camper all locked up…”

“It can be unlocked in five seconds,” he says, making me grin.

“You’re a sex fiend.”

“Only for you, Lady Gray,” he says, kissing me slow and deep, his tongue stroking against mine. His hands drag up from my hips, molding to my ribs, his thumbs brushing back and forth beneath my breasts as the kiss deepens. By the time he finally pulls back, my panties are soaked, and I’m thinking maybe a ten-minute delay wouldn’t be so awful, after all.

“Nope, off we go, intrepid explorer,” he says when I suggest it, grinning as he plucks my fedora from my head and sets the helmet down in its place.