I had sex with Leon!
That realization hit me like a brick, and I came fully awake. The events of the night began to play in my head, starting from him pulling out a leather blindfold from his pocket to kissing him for the first time and then the sex. Oh my God! The sex. I was in no way a rookie when it came to sex, but I could confidently declare that no one had ever made love to me the way Leon did.
And it was not just about the restraints and getting spanked. After all, Anthony frequently demanded to tie me up and blindfold me during sex too, and I always gave in to make him happy. But that was nothing like what had happened between Leon and me last night. For one, with Leon, it didn’t feel like a performance like it did when Anthony tied me up. With him, it felt right in some way.
Also, Anthony had never made me squirt. No one ever had. Yet one night with Leon and he’d unlocked a part of my sexuality I’d never considered possible. I was not sure how to feel about the fact. As great as sex with Leon was, I couldn’t help but worry about what it would do to our relationship. He wasn’t just my manager, he was also my best friend. Perhaps last night was a mistake, a fluke that would never repeat itself.
I tamped down the feeling of disappointment I felt and reminded myself that this was for the best. I had not forgotten Leon’s proposal the night before or the fact that I’d agree to it, but I was sure he would understand that we had both been out of our minds when we did what we did. It had been three months since I broke up with Anthony, and combined with my frustration from being unable to come up with any new music, I was primed and ready to blow.
A barrage of memories from the night before crashed on me; the look in Leon’s eyes as he slipped the blindfold around my eyes, the feel of leather cuffs around my wrist, the way I moaned and whimpered as he fucked me, and then the explosive orgasm that had left me shaking and shuddering with my ore entire life.
I caught myself moaning and bit my lips before the sound could escape. Looking down, I realized my hands had somehow found their way between my legs, and I had slowly been rubbing my clit to my memories of the night before. Slowly pulling my hand away, I reminded myself again why messing with Leon was a bad idea and threw the covers off me. It was time to start the day.
Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I got to my feet and winced as my thighs brushed against each other. The pleasure of the night had dulled, and all that was left this morning were the aches from the night before, a telling reminder of how much more endowed Leon was than any man I’d ever been with. At least, it seemed he was.
I had only felt his erection through his pants, and now I wished he’d left my hands unrestrained so I could touch him properly, stroke his cock in my hands and maybe with my mouth too. Get a good feel of the appendage that had gone on to rock my world and left me in rapturous ecstasy. I wouldn’t even mind if he forced me to my knees and wrapped his hand around my neck as he fucked my throat.
The explicitness of the images I was coming up with was almost as shocking as the intensity of my desire to have Leon do those things to me, and I shook my head fiercely to dispel it. I was here to spark my creativity so I could write new songs, not have sexual fantasies about my manager.
Grabbing my phone, I found one of my favorite playlists and put it on before shrugging off my clothes. Walking into the bathroom, I got under the shower, ignoring the aches in my arms and between my legs as I turned on the hot water. I was standing in front of the mirror and brushing my teeth when my phone pinged, and I glanced at it.
I didn’t recognize the number, but I knew who it was as soon as I read the message. It had been three months since I found out he was cheating on me and decided I was done with him. It was the last nail in the coffin of a relationship that had been largely explosive, borderline abusive, and all-around terrible for my mental health. The problem with Anthony was that he could be charming when he wanted to be, and I had been too desperate for love to see the red flags for what they were.
Leon tried to warn me several times, and we had even fought over it. In the end, I’d seen the truth, and the fact that the media found out about Anthony’s infidelity and I’d been left dealing with a circus of reporters and paparazzi trying to turn my personal heartbreak into media fodder was just the icing on a pretty shitty cake.
Anthony, of course, tried to worm his way back into my life almost immediately after we broke up, but I made it clear I had no intention of going back to him. So he left me alone, but only for a few weeks. He was back now, sending me messages from burner phones and even emails where he tried to remind me of the good times we shared.
As much as I hated him now, and as bad as things got in our relationship sometimes, I couldn’t deny that we also had some good times. His message was about one of those, and for a few seconds, I was transported to happier times. I snapped out of it, reminding myself of the many more bad ones, and deleted his message.
Turning the volume higher on the music, I spat into the sink and rinsed my mouth. As I raised my head and stared at my reflection in the mirror, the first lines to a song came to me, so I hurried to the bedroom, grabbing the notepad and pen by the bedside table to write down my thoughts.
In the rearview, I see the wreckage of the past.
Broken promises and shattered dreams, they didn’t last…
That was as far as I got before my mind went blank, and I was left staring at the notepad in frustration. Dropping my pen, I got to my feet with a sigh and walked across the room to the wardrobe. Putting on a clean T-shirt and jean shorts, I stepped out of the bedroom and immediately caught the scent of breakfast wafting through the air.
Intrigued, I followed the aroma to the kitchen and was surprised to find Leon standing next to the stove, flipping pancakes in a pan. A stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon were on the kitchen table. There was also a bowl of fruit, and I could see coffee bubbling in the coffee pot in the corner. It smelled delicious, and I heard my stomach rumble as I took a step forward.
“Morning,” Leon said, turning around to shoot me a smile. “I need to apologize about last night. And before your mind goes a hundred miles a minute, I don’t regret it. I’m sorry for leaving you alone after you came. I should have cuddled with you until you fell asleep.”
I could feel my eyes widen. What was happening here?
“A good daddy doesn’t leave his baby girl alone after something so intense. Forgive me, it won’t happen again.”
I was stunned.
“Did you sleep okay?”
I nodded mutely, still staring at the feast on the table. I was not surprised at how good it looked or smelled, and I had no doubt that it was just as delicious. What I didn’t understand was why he’d made so much food when he knew I was on a special diet. Last night, he’d made steak, and I’d gone along even though I wished he’d consulted me.
“Are we expecting guests?” I asked as I walked to the coffee machine and poured myself a cup.
“No. It’s just you and me.”
“Then who did you make all that food for?”
“Us.” He flipped the pancake one last time and turned off the stove. He added it to the stack already on the table and walked over to the fridge for the maple syrup. “Sit down and eat,” he commanded, and I was already lowering my ass on the high stool at the kitchen table before I caught myself.