Page 30 of Siren's Blood

His dragon rumbled over our heads, but I couldn’t decipher the sound.

The dome of shadows surrounding the ring popped and disappeared, and the oath-keeping rock dropped into the middle of the ring, lifeless once again.

My magic still swam inside me, bursting to get out. That fight had been too quick. It wasn’t enough of a release, and if I didn’t get out of there fast, people might die—just like my mother had. A cold sweat formed across my forehead.

Frankie’s slow clap jarred me from my thoughts, and I met her knowing gaze.

Without another word, I fled from the ring.



Sweat dripped down my face, and my chest heaved from the fight’s exertion. A tsunami had swept through my body and soul, leaving me breathless and longing for more.

In a matter of minutes, my life had changed.

I stared after Bree, unable to tear my gaze away from the door through which she’d just disappeared, fleeing from the ring. My heart pounded with a mix of adrenaline and desire so intense, it blazed a path through my veins.

Her magic was unlike anything I’d encountered before. It was seductive, almost erotic, and I’d wanted to bathe in her glory rather than fight against her. She moved with an experienced fighter’s grace as if she’d been training her entire life.

Yet I’d never seen someone with her magic fight or even train in this ring, and I’d made it a point to watch or keep up with most Subliminal matches over the years. There wasn’t a chance in hell I’d simply missed mention of someone like her.

As my dragon spirit flowed back into my skin, it roared in frustration, an urge to chase after Bree consuming every fiber of our combined being. The disappointment of losing my first fight only served to fuel my determination to win her heart, and an unspoken understanding settled deep within that she would be mine.

My chosen mate.

I wiped the sweat from my brow and took a deep, steadying breath. Silently, I promised to show Bree just how much I wanted her and the lengths I would go to prove it.

“Told you she’d wipe the floor with your sorry ass.” Chuckling from the sidelines, Frankie reached beneath the rope and grabbed the oath-keeper. She tossed the grey rock into the air once then slipped it into her pocket. “Such a shame I can’t convince her to fight for me, eh?”

I needed to use the ropes to pull myself to my feet, the unsettling power of Bree’s magic still coursing through my unsteady legs. Not to mention the bruises already forming along my jaw and ribs.

“Is she what I think she is?” No water witch I knew could wield magic like that.

The old woman clucked her tongue. “Not my secret to tell, lizard boy. Now get lost and stop pesterin’ us.”

Like hell I would. Straightening my back, I met her gaze with a fiery determination that burned to the depths of my soul. “The oath-keeper only stops me from discussing the fight, not from continuing to pursue Bree.”

Frankie’s lips quirked to the side. “Fightin’ dirty, I see. A dragon is as a dragon does, I s’pose. Welp, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She gestured to the front door as she headed for her office. “Show yourself out.”

I glanced back in the direction Bree had fled. The memory of her earlier singing swirled around me. It was an enchanting melody that stirred something primal within me. Her voice and the feelings it provoked solidified my belief that I knew what she was.

Her scent, a mixture of saltwater and jasmine, clung to me like an invisible tether that bound us together. Every cell in my body screamed at me to find her, claim her, make her understand that we were meant for each other.

However, following her wouldn’t do much good at the moment. I knew wherever that door led, she was long gone from here.

No matter.

I would figure out a way to win her over, and then she would be mine.

After a shower and change of clothes back at my Wharf penthouse, I settled into my leather chair and switched on the computer. My thoughts turned to the task at hand—planning the perfect surprise date.

One date.

That was all I needed to prove I wasn’t whoever she thought I was and win her over. I was sure of it. If the only way I could get her on a date was by surprise, then I’d make sure the entire night was unforgettable.

The idea of giving Bree a night filled with romance and adventure filled me with an unfamiliar eagerness. To everyone but my closest friends, I was a playboy and only good for my skill in the ring. Little more than hired muscle.