Page 28 of Siren's Blood

My gaze snagged on those lips, and I couldn’t help but wonder how they’d feel pressed against mine. I realized they were both staring at me. “Got it.”

Frankie shook her head. “You gotta say capiche.”

“Why? I understand the rules.”

“Godsdamn it, Bree, just say it,” she said with an exasperated huff.

This was ridiculous. “Fine. Capiche.”

The rock trembled in her hand before turning pitch black like obsidian. Rising from her palm, it lifted into the air above our heads, and a dome of shadows spread out around the ring, trapping us inside.

Oh, I guess capiche was the magic word to activate the spell. Would have been nice to know such details ahead of time.

“Hurry up and get ready.” Frankie scurried to the side and slipped under the rope. The dome extended a few feet outside the ring, so she had room to move around without leaving the spelled area.

Dominic wasted no time. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it over the frame, landing right on Frankie’s head.

“What the! You deadbeat dodo,” her muffled voice yelled out before she could yank it off her face. “Not cool, dragon.” She was about to throw the shirt on the ground but stopped and sniffed it. “Hm, nice cologne.”

Not that Dominic or I were paying her much attention anymore.

My gaze was glued to those rock-hard abs and the smooth planes of his chest. Despite his toned muscles, he was long and lean and absolute perfection.

By the tide, I hadn’t appreciated just how unbelievably sexy this man was during the massage.

When I finally lifted my gaze to his face, he watched me with amusement. He kicked off his shoes, nudging them off the side, then removed his socks and jeans.

Standing there in nothing but red boxers that somehow enhanced the generous package hiding within, he looked every bit a god risen from smoldering embers. If I wasn’t careful, I’d start drooling.

Smirking, Dominic rolled his shoulders. “I’ll go easy on you, princess. Wouldn’t want to damage that pretty face.”

My heart skipped a beat until I remembered he had no idea who I really was. It was just a cute nickname. Two could play at that game. I snorted. “In your dreams, lizard boy.”

As Frankie guffawed from the sidelines, his eyes flashed dangerously. The air around him shimmered with a crimson haze.

Dragon magic.

Curling my hands into fists until my nails dug into my palms, I spun on my heel and stalked over to the full water bucket. This was such a terrible idea.

And yet, I didn’t want to stop either. It had been so long since I’d last used my magic, like really used it against an actual opponent. My palms practically itched as I grabbed the bucket and hoisted it into the air.

Before I had a chance to chicken out, I poured the bucket’s contents over my head.

I gasped as ice-cold water splashed over me, dousing me from head to foot. I swiped a hand over my face and set the bucket down before turning to face Dominic.

He stared at me with wide eyes and a slack jaw, his gaze dipping to my soaking-wet top that clung to my breasts like a second skin.

Yeah… I hadn’t thought that through properly.

Thankfully, there was no time to explain.

“Begin!” Frankie’s voice called out.

Instantly, I released my magic from the tight hold I kept it under. As my body soaked up the water drenching my skin and clothes, the call of the sea washed over me.

I sank into the salty depths of my magic, letting the ocean tides and the moon’s pull move me wherever they desired. The hair across my body rose on end as I delighted in a sensation I’d missed for far too long.

A thousand memories rushed forward next, nearly drowning me in their intensity. Of coral hallways and bubbles of laughter, of games of tag among rows of seaweed and flashing scales on mermaid tails.