"You have my momentary attention."

"Marry me – "

"You can't be serious."

"Might I at least finish my proposal before you so rudely dispatch me?" He narrows his grey eyes down at me. "I might be your only hope here."


"Thank you." The corner of his lip tilts upward, the only sign he's remotely entertained. "As I was saying, marry me. You'll be accepted into the Basilius household and together we can rule Elowen."

"I fail to see how this does me any favors."

"Ah, yes, well, you are not the only one our cold-hearted grandfather is pressuring into marrying for the sake of the House."

"So," I hiss, "this marriage is really for your gain."

"I have no interest in marriage and have been avoiding it for years. Alas, with you here, Armas has decided to force my hand." A stunning Frost Elf woman winks at Thrane and he shudders in obvious disgust. "I'm far too invested in myself to be shackled to another. You are looking for a way to be accepted as a Basilius and continue your affair with the Tronovian." Before I can refute his statement, he continues, "Marry me and you accomplish both."

I arch a brow, skeptical that his offer is innocent. "I assume you will expect me to share your bed and bear you heirs – "

"Oh, Stars, no!" He can't interrupt me fast enough. "Not to say you aren't a beautiful creature, but I would rather dance around the ballroom naked than bed you. You have the broody Tronovian for that task."

"Well" – I clear my throat, swallowing my wounded pride – "that was wholly unnecessary."

"Would you rather me be honest or spare your feelings with more lies?"

"Honesty doesn't have to be presented with such brutality."

He cocks his head to the side, confusion very apparent in his face. "How else would one do it?" The music fades and the dancing couples applaud, bringing our conversation to an abrupt end. "So," he says, pressing his lips to my knuckles, "do we have a deal?"

"I need to think about it."

"Of course." He rolls his eyes, sarcasm dripping with each word. "Take all the time you need, Aurelia."

He bows at the hip before turning on his heel and booking it before ladies of the court can beg him for a dance. I glide in the opposite direction, needing a moment alone to process my thoughts. I find myself on one of the many balconies overlooking the city and lake beyond it. I can't help but squint, hoping I can see Haverness, the little village where the cabin is, but fail to find it. How I wish I could escape and go spend another night with Atlas.

"How is it possible for you to look even more stunning out here?" Atlas makes his way to me and rests his forearms along the stone railing beside me.

"Where have you been?" I hiss, angry he abandoned me in the ballroom when I needed him most.

"Apologies, Princess, but just like you have duties that require your attention, I do as well."

I'm not entirely sure what to say at this point. By his tone, it sounds like he doesn't care that I'm expected to pledge my life and hand to the Frost Elves, but by the tightness in his shoulders and storm brewing in his eyes, I know he's scared.

"What do you intend to do?" he asks, his eyes pinned to the city below.

"I don't know. Thrane offered to marry me, so I don't have to pledge myself to a stranger. He said you and I could continue seeing each other, since he has no real interest in me as a wife."

His fingers grip the stone, as if he's trying to restrain himself from finding Thrane and beating the shit out of him. Slowly, he slides his hand against the banister to meet mine but stops short. He doesn't respond or look up at me, so I whisper, "Don't you have anything else to say? Any advice to offer?"

"What's there to say?" He finally meets my gaze. "You finally found your family. Here you have titles and a future. I could never ask you to give all of this up for me."

"Maybe I would."

He smiles, but I can sense the pain behind those green eyes. Slowly, he reaches over and tucks loose strands of my hair behind my ear. "You belong here."

"That's all you have to say?" I hiss like a wounded animal. "I belong here?"