Hael, Thrane's younger brother, has Ice Touch. Just one touch to someone's flesh and they'll turn into a solid block of ice. I've been assured he can control it, and isn't freezing everyone he comes into contact with, but those who he deems enemies should beware. True to what Sylvane told me the first day she brought me here, Hael prefers his space. Apart from a small nod, we have exchanged exactly two greetings and that's been the extent of our relationship.

My Uncle Faolin is an Ice Healer, meaning by using ice he can heal wounds and give Frost Elf warriors a second chance at life, if they've been injured in battle. His daughter, Kamari, is an Ice Mimic, giving her the ability to become a walking pilar of ice, her skin impenetrable from attack.

Thrane is extremely secretive about his affinity, and he doesn't use it whenever I'm around. I'm constantly warring with myself, debating on if I should trust him or not, but his magic is none of my business. If he wants to keep it private, there's nothing I can do to pry the information from him. I don't pry into Finn's history on the touchy subject of his power, so reluctantly, I will show Thrane the same curtesy.

When I ask about the Frost King's magic, and if he comes to train with Drexel, the response is negative. Armas, my grandfather, hasn't been out to see Drexel in years, but that doesn't mean his magical power has lessened. From the stories my Frost Elf kin share with me, the king's power matches Drexel's. They have Ice Breath and can freeze anyone in their path with just one exhale. Something I'll keep in mind for any future run ins I might have with the ancient royal. Although, I haven't seen or spoken to him since we first arrived in Elowen, the streak of silence doesn't appear like it will be broken anytime soon. Which is perfectly fine with me, since I immediately got the feeling he didn't care for me when my true identity was made known in his throne room.

After each one of my Basilius kin, with the exception of Thrane, hit the targets mounted at the far end of the firing range, my mother motions me forward to demonstrate my power. Nervous that everyone is watching me with keen interest, I take a deep breath and line up where they had stood when it was their turn. I dare a glance behind me where Atlas is standing. He's been dutiful in playing bodyguard this last week and has given me unwavering support. Just one nod from him and my confidence is restored. If it's a show the Frost Elves want, it's a show they are going to get.

I tear my eyes from Atlas and focus on the dummy target fifty feet in front of me when Vesper's face suddenly flashes in my mind making my heart lurch. I see her vicious smile and the animosity I hold in my soul for her engulfs me, propelling me to fire balls of light. I can hear her wicked cackle as I land blow after blow. Only once I hear the splintering wood, does the image of her disappear and I'm left with debris of what remains of the target raining down like timber snow.

Breathing heavily from the energy I exerted, I slowly turn and look at everyone staring at me. If they're impressed or frightened by the Celestial magic flowing through my veins, they don't show it, but it feels great to show off with Atlas watching.

Sylvane walks up beside me and stares at the destruction I've left with a gleam of pride. "Your father would be impressed."

"Really?" My breath hitches at the thought of Enver Sol in awe of my magical display.

She meets my line of sight and nods. "With more training, I dare say, you might even surpass him."

Dumbfounded, and lost for words, my mother heads up from the range to join the others while Atlas makes his way down.

"You are getting stronger." He says once he closes the gap separating us.

"She said my father would have been impressed," my voice cracks.

He doesn't seem surprised. "How could he not be?" He tucks his finger beneath my chin and gently lifts my face to meet his eyes. "You are the deadly queen I always knew you could be."

I smile, and his confidence in me blooms inside my chest.

"I know you still have another couple hours of training today, but I promised Ronan I would accompany him to a meeting this afternoon." His hand drops from my face, and I immediately miss the warmth of his touch. "Apparently the assembly of delegates have questions about Midori."

My eyebrows arch upward, my interest piqued. "What about Midori?"

"Word has spread that you were kidnapped." He rolls his shoulders back and darts a quick glance up the incline to ensure we're out of earshot of the others. "Since you identified yourself as Ilaria Shaye Kitarni when we first arrived, the leaders have questions."

"Are you in trouble?"

He scoffs, "Me? Hardly. And even if I was, none of them would dare cross me in a general assembly meeting or on a battlefield."

"Cocky of you," I tease, though I can't help but be concerned for him.

Flashing a wicked smile my way, he reaches up and twirls my hair in his fingers. "We both know I can back up every conceited thing I say."

I roll my eyes, unable to argue. "Should I come with you? I can clear everything up – "

"You have more important things to do here," he interrupts me, running his thumb across my bottom lip. "You don't need to come to my rescue every time I'm within a whisper of trouble."

I laugh and bob my head, surrendering knowing I won't win this round. "Fine. You win."

"I've already spoken with your mother, and she said she will escort you back to the castle once you're done."

"Don't miss me too much," I tease, pushing him toward the hill.

"Keep your wits about you," he says, but there is a seriousness in his gaze that causes my chest to tighten. With one last longing look, he turns on his heel and marches up the incline and treks toward the gate.

Once Atlas is gone, I go out for one more flight maneuver with Seraxes. Despite her taking turns a little too sharply for my liking, I keep my seat and breathe a sigh of relief when Sylvane applauds and shouts, "That's the fastest you've ever done the course!"

Satisfaction swells in my heart, but my accomplishment is short lived when Seraxes spears toward the landing area and slams to the ground, throwing me from my saddle. The impact is brutal, and I rub my backside, hoping and praying my tailbone isn't broken or bruised.