"You boys have your fun at The Frosted Dagger," Shaye pushes her chair from the table and stands. "Eris and I have been dying to visit the castle library. I hear it has a glass roof."

Eris follows suit, downing the rest of her red wine before hopping up. "That sounds like a perfect night to me," she smiles at Shaye before daring a glance back toward Finn, who is already watching her. "Have fun."

And with that, the girls are off on an adventure of their own, and if I had the guts, I would ditch the boys and follow Shaye wherever she went. Instead, I give her space, and go with my brothers and cousin to The Frosted Dagger. It's the exact opposite of Prue's. Where Prue's is cozy and familiar with scuffed floors and old-world charm, The Frosted Dagger is pristine and polished with a glass bar and glistening white floors. The dome ceiling is made of glass and the blue and white accents around the bar make me feel as if I haven't left Stelara.

Ronan is happier than a caged dog finally set loose to be out and about the city. He's been in endless meetings since we've arrived and all he's done the past two days is whine about not having any fun on our trip. In the bar, he comes back to life. He marches over to the counter and flashes his best smile at the barmaid, who he had indeed met last year, and orders a round of drinks for us. Since we're royalty, the hostess finds a desirable booth toward the back of the tavern to give us privacy, and for once, I am grateful for the preferential treatment. I have no interest in conversing with anyone and have zero intention of wasting my time exchanging pleasantries or flirtations with Frost Elf females. There's only one woman on my mind tonight.

"So," Ronan clicks his teeth, looking at me over the lip of his stein. "Are you going to tell us what happened between you and Shaye at the cabin?"

"Nothing to tell." I recline, nursing my beer.

Nyx and Finn both scoff and Ronan straight up laughs.

"You can't possibly expect us to believe nothing happened between you two," Ronan presses.

"It definitely smelled like sex in there," Nyx chimes in and I flash him a narrow-eyed glare. "Oh, please," Nyx waves a dismissive hand. "That look doesn't work on me anymore, Atlas. I'm not six and scared of you."

"Pity," I hiss. "Maybe I should kick your ass like I used to and put a little reverential fear back in you."

He leans forward, mischief gleaming in his eyes. "Name the time and place, Brother."

"You're both idiots," Finn shakes his head, sipping his Barley Tea with a sigh.

"Whatever happened between me and Shaye stays between us," I growl, my eyes never leaving Nyx's. "And why the sudden interest?"

The thought that perhaps my brother is interested in her sets off something primal deep within me. There is no denying they have built a solid friendship and up until recently, have spent most of their time together. If I have to fist fight him in the snow outside the bar to stake my claim, I will.

"You've never been like this with a woman," Nyx says, resettling in his seat. "Some of us might have bet quite a bit of money that you two would get together before returning to Tronovia."

Ronan smacks Nyx against the arm and my eyes widen in surprise. "What?"

"Nothing," Ronan says, glaring at my youngest brother. Now, I really want some answers.

"Explain," I demand of Nyx, who hasn't quit cackling since Ronan got his feathers ruffled.

"It's nothing," Ronan tries again, but Nyx waves him off.

"After we saw you two together in the cabin, Ronan and I placed a friendly wager."

"What kind of wager?" Finn's eyebrow ticks upward, now interested in the conversation.

"Nyx!" Ronan practically yells, but in true Nyx fashion, he ignores his pleas.

"When you two would get together."

"Wait," I scoff, trying and failing not to laugh. "You two are betting if Shaye and I end up together?"

"Correction," Nyx puts up a finger. "We were both betting in favor of you being together. I bet you two would be together before we left Elowen, and Ronan said you two were far too stubborn and bet you'd sleep together once we got back to Tronovia. So, when you think about it, we're both very supportive of this relationship."

Ronan groans, rubbing his hand up and down his face. "Bets are supposed to be private, Nyx."

Nyx chugs the rest of his beer and slams his mug down when it's empty, not caring about the glass tabletop. "It's not like Atlas cares. Either way, he and Shaye are going to be together."

By my silence, three sets of eyes fly in my direction. "What?"

"You and Shaye are going to be together, right?" Nyx asks and sounds almost childlike.

I shrug. "That's entirely up to her."