I'm not sure what to think of Thrane Basilius. At least now I know he's my cousin, but there's something about him that I can't quite put my finger on. He's equal parts danger and mystery, and neither are high on my list of enviable qualities.

I can see why he's so self-assured. He's devilishly handsome, with a jaw that looks like it's been chiseled from granite and seriously dreamy grey eyes that could slice right through to your very soul. But his incredible stature and long, white hair don't tempt me the way they would other women. What I'm most intrigued with is how unreadable he is. That's something I do envy. The ability to hide exactly what one is thinking and feeling. From our brief interaction, I couldn't tell you anything about Thrane Basilius, and yet, I do know I look forward to the next time we meet.

"You are Aurelia Basilius-Sol. You are the daughter of Sylvane Basilius and Enver Sol, and you've finally come home."

Sylvane's statement plays over and over in my head as I lay on my bed. Mulling over her words, I simultaneously grow more confident and afraid.

How the hell did I end up in Midori?

It's evident my Midorian parents weren't forthcoming with pertinent information, but I've known them my entire life, and kidnapping doesn't fit their profile.

I can almost feel Atlas rolling his eyes at the mere thought they didn't know who I really was.

Maybe they are the monsters I fear they are, but a part of me will always hope I'm wrong.

Despite Finn giving me strict instructions to stay in bed and relax, my stomach roars in hunger, giving me the gusto to defy his orders. I slip a white silk robe over my nightgown and shuffle to my bedroom door in the fluffy slippers that were left in a welcome basket on my nightstand. The second my hand palms the doorknob, someone knocks on the other side, startling me.

I swear to the stars above and seas below, if Thrane Basilius is on the other side here to bother me, I'll blast him across the hall.

A small piece of me hopes it's Atlas. He had popped in for a short visit earlier to ensure I was alright before Finn forcefully ushered him out, making it abundantly clear we were to keep our hands to ourselves for at least twenty-four hours. So much for hoping whatever is transpiring between us remains private.

I can still see the wicked gleam in Atlas' eyes, as if he, too, were thinking of how much fun it would be to meet in secret.

I swing the door open and furrow my brows at the stranger carrying a tray with two dinner plates.

"There must be a mistake," I say politely, smoothing my face. "I didn't – "

"Shaye, it's me."

The second I hear her voice, I realize it's Eris in disguise.

"I brought us dinner." She pushes inside the doorway, and I shut it behind her. "I figured you wouldn't want to go to dinner while recovering from that fall."

She sets the tray on my bed and spins to look at me. Her voice and mannerisms are the same, but her physical appearance will take some time to get used to. I smile and make my way toward my side of the circular mattress.

"What did you bring?" I ask, seesawing myself into a comfortable spot.

She plops down on the opposite side and passes me a plate with a red wine gravy poured atop sliced venison, with fingerling potatoes and a buttered roll. My stomach growls as if on command and Eris giggles.

"It sounds like I arrived just in time," she teases.

I grab the silver fork and spear into the potato that's perfectly seasoned and bite into it. It's crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside – absolutely heavenly.

"Thank you," I say through a mouthful. "I was just about to go searching for something to eat."

Her eyes widen. "Dressed like that?"

I glance down and laugh. I probably would have caused quite the stir traipsing around the castle in nothing but a scandalous slip and robe. Maybe that bump on my head has warped all sense of propriety, or perhaps I was hungry enough to risk judgmental glances.

"Well, I'm glad you showed up." I slice through a piece of venison and let the gamey flavor melt on my tongue. "Although, I thought you were someone else when I opened the door."

"Let me guess," Eris's eyebrows bounce. "You were expecting a certain Harland brother – "

"No," I interrupt her before we veer down that path of conversation. "Thrane Basilius."

That seems to catch her off guard.

"Thrane Basilius?" she repeats, as if needing confirmation. "Why would the Frost Prince be at your door?"