But why no word at all? Not even a whisper of discord from across the sea. No rumor or mention of the princess going missing or being abducted has reached our ears and from our sources, none of the other kingdoms have heard of it either.

Certainly, after weeks of being absent, someone would have noticed. Then again, her parents secluded her, sheltered her from the outside world. From an outsider's perspective, it would seem like they were protecting their only daughter and future heir from anyone who would wish her harm. But they never sought to protect her. They sought to protect themselves.

How could they be ashamed of her? Of her abilities? Did they even know what she was truly capable of, or did they just immediately lock her away and inhibit her?

The need to safeguard her consumes me. So much so, I thundered through the doors of my uncle's study the same night he first met Shaye. His guards were on high alert, with flames licking up their arms, prepared to strike me down, if I posed our king any true threat.

"How could you make a deal like that?" I had bellowed, forgetting my place.

Uncle Soren motioned for his personal wielders to stand down and ordered them to leave the room. Once we were alone, he set the book he was reading down on the end table next to his tufted leather chair and invited me to sit. When I declined, choosing to stand instead, he shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "It was mutually beneficial, Atlas. She wants answers and access to proper training and research. I want her magic in case we need to protect our people."

"She doesn't know anything about fighting." I tugged my fingers through my hair, damn near ripping strands out. "For fucks sake, Uncle, she doesn't know anything about her own magic. She's been aware of it all of two weeks."

"I am confident she will receive proper training at Magikos Grammata."

Desperation to protect her overruled every rational thought. "Permit me to be her instructor," I blurted.

His eyes widened, "Atlas, you teach younglings. First through fourth years. Philomena will never allow you – "

"You are the King of Tronovia," I take a step forward, challenging him. "Overrule her."

"She will be most displeased if I step one toe into school business."

"Have I not served you faithfully my entire life?" I wouldn't accept no for an answer. "Went on missions knowing full well I might never come home without hesitation or question?"

He reclined in his seat, permitting my tirade. "You have."

"Have I not done everything you've asked of me without complaint or argument?"

"Get to the point," he motioned with a hand, clearly done with the theatrics.

"I will cash in all my favors, pull title and rank, pitch a damned fit if I must, but I am asking you – one faithful servant to their master – sway Philomena and assign me to be her instructor."

There was a spark of realization in Uncle Soren's eyes, as if he'd just solved the answer to a confusing riddle. "If I didn't know any better, Atlas, I would think you had feelings for the Midorian."

"I care enough that I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe," I said with surety. "You would have her fight in a war she has no way to win. I would make sure she not only stands a fighting chance, but that she has the skillset to survive."

"Professors Fenwick and Darmas have more expertise when it comes to training anomalies."

"But neither of them is an anomaly. I am," I pressed a hand to my chest for emphasis. "They don't know her like I do or understand her the way I do. They have nothing to lose, if she falls in battle."

"And you do?" His brow lifted in obvious amusement.

"I have everything to lose." The silence stretched between us as I sank in the twin armchair opposite him. I stared into the fireplace and watched the flames dance, listened to the wood crackle. "You like making deals, Uncle, then make one with me." I flicked my eyes up to meet his curious gaze. "Name your price."

After a brief hesitation, my uncle shook his head. "There is no price."

I was ready to argue all night if I had to, but snapped my mouth shut when Uncle lifted his hand to silence me. "As you said before, you have been faithful and served me and our kingdom without complaint. I grant your request." I was taken aback that I actually persuaded him. "Train her well, Atlas. I fear she will need it before the end."

As the memory fades, I sit back on my wooden stool and set my paintbrush in the browning water. Scrutinizing every detail on the canvas before me, I can honestly say I managed to capture how I saw her this afternoon. The wispy golden hair, her fierce golden eyes and the light that nearly stole my breath. Without a doubt, this is the most stunning piece I've ever created. I don't just see her power; I see my salvation. For her, I'd walk through the gates of the underworld, if she so much as asked me to follow her. Hell, I'm so far past the line I tried to draw between us when we first met, I don't even remember where the line is. She has a way of making me feel seen and heard with just one glance, one smile, one word.

I'm in love with her.

That one thought rips a gasp from me.

I've never allowed myself to even think of that word in correlation with her. Attraction, yes. Lust, most definitely. Respect, of course. But love?

The wooden feet of my stool scrapes across the floor when I abruptly push away from the painting. I'm in love with her. Who am I kidding? I've been in love with her for a while now, I just didn't want to admit it to myself. I'm in love with Ilaria Shaye Kitarni and I don't want to live one more day without her being mine.