"No need," I interrupt him and motion for Nyx to take his place in the bleachers. "I feel great."

'Are you sure?" He arches a curious eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "It's a long run from the house-"

"Don't worry about my stamina, Professor." Memories of last night flash in my mind, and by the surprised look plastered on his face, he's clearly plagued with the same thoughts. I clear my throat when I notice Nyx lean forward with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. "What are we learning today?"

Atlas collects himself before waving a hand to the center of the room where two students I hadn't noticed before are waiting. By the patches on their pristine black uniforms, they're both eighth year fire wielders. My eyes dart from them to Atlas. If he intends to have his students attack me –

"It's not what you're thinking, Princess."

"If they aren't meant to attack me," I narrow my eyes, "then why are they here?

He shrugs. "Ok, so maybe you're partially correct." He points from one student to the next for introductions. "This is Meena and that's Tor. They're the best fire wielders in their year and I trust both of them to execute this exercise with precision."

I fold my arms across my chest, "And what lesson would that be?"

"You rely too much on your sight." He takes a step toward me, a storm brewing in his eyes. "You need to be able to feel your magic and use it instinctively."


He pulls out a black blindfold from his pocket and lifts it up, so I can get a better look at it. "May I?

"What exactly do you expect me to do, if I let you blindfold me?" My mouth has suddenly gone dry, and I wish I had a glass of water handy.

"Meena and Tor have been instructed to hurl fireballs at you." He holds a hand up when I go to protest. "Your task today is to block them, and if possible, launch an assault."

I shake my head and laugh, because how else would one respond given that task? "You're insane. There's no way anyone could do what you're asking me to do."

"What if I did it first to show you it's possible?" A hint of challenge hums in his voice and even though I should hold firm and not agree to this lesson, my curiosity is piqued.

I slink toward him, closing the gap between us. I notice our close proximity affects the cadence of his breathing and how his back stiffens. "And if they singe you?" I whisper sweetly.

He peers down at me. "Then you won't have to do this exercise. Deal?"

Against my better judgment, I say, "Fine."

Atlas lifts the blindfold up, offering it to me. "Tie this around me."

Reluctantly, I grab it. "If I'm going to tie this around you, I'll need a stool to reach."

He doesn't take his eyes off mine as he kneels before me, causing my stomach to flip. Last night I was the one on my knees before him, and now he is on the floor like a man paying homage to his queen. Slowly, I place the silky black blindfold against his eyes and reach behind his head to tie a knot, ensuring he won't be able to see. When I finish, I allow my hands to linger in his hair, missing how it feels to drag my fingers through his soft locks.

Despite three other people being in the room, Atlas doesn't move an inch until I lower my hands. "Finished," I whisper and clear my throat to say it again, but louder and more confident. "Finished."

Atlas stands up and a smirk creeps across his face. "You might want to sit next to Nyx, Princess."

"You're not even facing the fire wielders."

"I don't need to."

"Cocky, aren't we?"

He leans forward, so his lips hover just above my ear. "You forget, I'm used to the darkness, Strenlys. It doesn't matter which direction I face, they won't singe one single hair on my head."

"We'll see." When I slip around him, my arm gently brushes his, making me shudder. Thankfully he's blindfolded and can't see the effect one light touch has on me. Even though I know it's impossible, I feel as if his eyes are pinned on me, watching me climb up two rows and plop down next to Nyx.

My focus is fixed on Atlas and the two fire wielders standing on the opposite side of the circular ring. Atlas still hasn't turned around. Is he seriously going to keep his back to them?

"Worried, Kitarni?" Nyx harasses me.