"Really, Shaye?" Eris beams. "That's incredible! Finn is a great teacher. I bet you'll be as good as him in no time."

"You're far too kind," I shake my head and offer Finn a smile, hoping he can sense how grateful I am for his help. "What Finn failed to mention was that he did most of the baking, while I made all of the messes."

Finn shrugs, blowing the steam rising from his coffee. "Getting messy is the best part," he winks.

Nyx gulps his orange juice down and thuds his glass against the table. "Well, I'm glad you two had fun, but we've got to get going, if we're going to make it to your lesson on time."

I glance at the clock before locking eyes with him. "What are you talking about? Professor Riggs is at Calmara today and my training with Atlas doesn't start for another few hours."

"Atlas told me your lesson was being pushed up. Said he had some meetings later on and didn't want to cancel."

I inadvertently roll my eyes. "Great."

Nyx cocks his head to the side, attempting to read me, but I offer him nothing. "Do I detect some drama between you and Atlas?"

"No," I hiss but I know Nyx can sniff through that lie. Thankfully, he doesn't press further. Instead, he stands up and motions toward the front door.

"I'll be outside waiting for you."

"Is the carriage already here?" I don't see the buggy waiting outside the window.

Nyx flashes a wicked smile and the scone I downed moments ago sinks like a rock in my stomach. "I thought we would go for a jog this morning."

"To the school!?"

"It's a nice cool morning, and it'll be good for you. We have to keep that endurance up if you want to get better at hand-to-hand combat."

"You're lucky I don't lay my hands on you," I grumble, wiping my mouth with a linen napkin.

"Oh," he purrs, "I love when you talk dirty to me."

"I hate you."

"You don't."

"Well, I'd like you a whole lot better, if we skipped the run and went to Treats for some tarts instead."

For a moment, Nyx seems to ponder the tempting idea of skipping the cardio workout for some delicious flaky delicacies, but he snaps out of his temporary stupor and wags an accusatory finger at me. "You almost had me convinced, woman. Now go get dressed. We don't want to be late for Atlas' class. Unlike your other tutors, he doesn't give a shit about your titles. Late is late."

Sweaty and barely able to breathe, we stumble into the classroom expecting Atlas to be waiting for us with the utmost interest, since we're a couple of minutes late, but his back is to the entrance. As exhausted as I am, all I can think about when I see the back of his head is the way he felt and tasted last night. I've played his words over and over again in my mind, but it doesn't lessen the blow to my ego.

"Damn, Kitarni, he hasn't even looked at you yet and you're that excited?"

"What?" I press my palm against the wall and bend over to catch my breath.

Nyx points at my glowing hands as he gently yanks me to a standing position. "You'll never get a deep enough breath that way."

"Damn it," I mutter as I straighten and slip my glowing hands in my pockets. "This is ridiculous."

"Well, maybe try thinking of him less," Nyx teases and I swat at him.

When Nyx dodges my feeble attack and barks out a laugh, it draws Atlas' attention. He turns around and finds my awaiting gaze, but nothing in his face gives away what he's thinking, and it irritates me.

"Good morning, Princess," he smiles, eyeing me up and down with one quick glance. "Looks like you got an early workout in."

"We decided to take a nice jog this morning," I say flippantly, even though my heart is still pounding against my ribs, threatening to tear through my chest and run off.

He points toward the benches, "Well, if you need to rest to catch your breath –"