I hold a hand up, silencing her. "I've shown absolutely no signs of having frost magic."

"Maybe those powers need to be unlocked?"

I shrug, attempting to mask the fear of being overwhelmed with too many unknowns. "I don't know. Honestly, I hope I don't have another affinity. I barely know how to control the one I have and the only person who could properly train me is trapped in Orabelle."

"Do you think you're immortal?"

I stare at her.

"Well?" she continues when I don't respond. "I only ask because Frost Elves, though not invincible, have lifetimes that span hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years. Celestials are considered deities and therefore immortal. So, do you think you are immortal, too?"

Seven hells. The thought of living for centuries and watching those I love grow old and die… Suddenly, Nyx pops into my head and I recall our conversation at Calmara. He expressed his fear of living forever, not knowing what his regeneration magic was truly capable of, and at the time I didn't understand the gravity of what he was truly feeling. Now I do.

I huff a disgruntled laugh, hoping to change the subject. "Just more questions that need answers."

"Sylvane Basilius might be able to answer all of them."

I flash her a look, hoping we don't have to discuss Sylvane quite yet.

"What?" she shrugs. "Are we not talking about your mother?"

"I'm just not sure what to say until I speak with her."

"Which is happening… when?"

"I don't know." I fall back into the pile of pillows. "When I finally muster the courage to leave this room. Can we talk about something else?"

"Sure." Eris wipes her mouth with her linen napkin. "How about you tell me what happened between you and Atlas in the cabin?"

I shoot her a pointed look. "You are very nosy."

"I know." She reclines alongside me. "And don't leave out any of the toe-curling details."

"Eris Talay! Nothing happened between us."

"That good huh?" Her eyebrows bounce playfully and draw a giggle from me.

I roll my eyes and sigh in defeat. "Is it possible to crave someone more after you've had just a taste?"

"It's possible to crave someone you've never had the chance to taste at all." She says, a hint of sadness in her voice.

I reach over and grab her hand and squeeze, retrieving her from whatever dark place she slipped to. "Stay with me tonight?"

A grateful gleam flashes in her eyes and she nods her head. "I'd like that. Plus, it gives us all night for you to tell me about what didn't happen between you and Atlas at the cabin."



When I wake up the next morning, Eris is already gone, probably needing to take another dose of disimulo before her true appearance is made known, and I'm left to figure out what I'm going to do with my day. Eris and I stayed up entirely too late last night and quite frankly, she now knows more about what transpired between Atlas and I than a third party should. After verbally reliving my encounter with him, all I want is to see him again, but I have no idea where his room is, and it would be insane of me to knock on every door until I found his.

So, instead, I take a nice warm bath before dressing for the day. As much as I'm dreading facing the Basilius family at breakfast, I will have to do it eventually. So, I slip on my shoes and as I tie them, there's a knock on my bedroom door. My quarters seem to be a very popular destination. Whoever is on the other side better come bearing snacks.

I open the door and find Atlas standing in the threshold.

"Good morning," he says, arms tucked behind his back.

"Good morning," I offer in return, gripping the lip of the door to control myself from dragging him inside and having my way with him.