Page 68 of The Horned King

"And how could I have warned you, Miss Fee? I can't send you letters nor visit any time other than the last Tuesday of each month." He takes a small sip from his own tin cup, grimacing. "Goodness, woman. How do you drink this?"

"For being a king, you are quite a princess about your drink," she chides, taking a drink of her own before turning to me. "Don't let that get warm, child. It's fine cold, but once it's reached room temperature, it's intolerable."

Tentatively, I take a sip of the dark, viscous liquid. It is vile. Bitter and sickly sweet at once, it is thicker than any other beverage I've had before. I can feel it sticking to my teeth, practically fighting not to go down my throat. But, after the scolding Kairon received, I'm not going to complain.

Drink finished, I place it on the table before me. "Thank you so much, Miss Fee. And for your hospitality today. It really means the world to me that you would welcome me here."

She looks slightly incredulous. "While I'm very happy you joined us, I'm not the one you should thank. Kairon brought you. I just teach and feed and clothe and play with the children."

"Right." Warmth creeps into my cheeks. "Well, then, thanks for just the drink."

"You're welcome." She smiles. "Did Kairon already tell you about the adventures of his time here?"

"Fee, no- that's not-" Kairon scratches the back of his neck. "She doesn't know that part of it yet."

My eyes dart up to Kai's, his nerves written plainly on his face. "You lived here?"

Miss Fee laughs. "He grew up here! He and that Raya, two peas in a pod. Did everything together." They literally grew up together. That's why they're so close. Like family, she said. And I didn't believe her. Well, partially, I suppose. But, if I can be brutally honest with myself, my jealousy did not allow me to wholly believe there was nothing romantic there. Miss Fee sniffles. "It's a terrible shame what happened to her. That bastard king Rivchi—"

"Okay, I think we should be going now." Kai stands suddenly, shaking his head at the kind old woman. "We need to be on the other side of the barrier before nine."

I stand with him. "Okay. How do we do this?"

"Do what?" One eyebrow raises.

"Wipe my memories?"

Miss Fee cackles. "Why would I do that?"

"To protect the secrets here. I don't mind. Really. Do what you must." While I'm sad to lose the beautiful memories made with Kairon today, it's a small price to pay for the safety of those who live here.

"No one is taking your memories, girl," Miss Fee insists. "If you're here, you're trusted."

I look to where Kai is already halfway to the front door, and he nods. "You're trusted. Let's go, or we'll be stuck here for an entire month."

Rushing to keep up with him, I wave at Miss Fee, shouting thank you again as we exit the home far swifter than we arrived. The whole way up the trail, I have to run to keep up with the king's long strides.

Once we pass the strange hedges keeping the trail hidden from sight, he finally slows to a stop, letting me catch my breath. With thinly veiled amusement, he watches me. "I mean this with no disrespect, but you have zero stamina. Don't they teach you to run or fight at all in Rhyma?"

"No. We fight with our words," I tell him.

He laughs again. "No, you don't even do that. You placate with your words and fight with backhanded deceit. Well, not you, but Rhyma. In any case, you need to be training in case something were to happen."

"Like what? Like the attempt on my life only a few days away? I think it's a bit late to learn to defend myself for that." I laugh to cover up the lump growing in my throat.

His chest does that strange caving breath again. "Well, when we get you through that, then you'll begin training."

"I'll be going home after that," I remind him. "So unless you plan to meet on the border each morning, it probably won't happen."

He stares silently at me. The only show of emotion is the clenching of his jaw. The weight of this moment sits on my chest, like we stand on the precipice of something utterly horrible or possibly life-changing and extraordinary.

"Let's get inside," he finally says, walking towards the secret rock passage.

Silently, we journey back to his room, the mood exponentially colder than it was when we passed through this morning. He walks behind me, guiding me with a hand on my lower back until I'm at my bedroom door.

He clears his throat. "Thank you. For coming with me today. For being such a good sport for them. Everything."

"Thank you for showing me. I'm sure it was hard to share that. I promise I'll keep their secret safe," I tell him emphatically, slowly opening the door to step inside. "What was she talking about with Raya? What happened? Did the king do something to her?"