Page 47 of The Horned King

"Where does this lead?" I ask, feeling my way through the dark.

He says nothing for a moment, the only sound being loud footfalls of his furious stomping. "Outside."

Not willing to push him any further for the moment, I keep my mouth shut, following silently behind him into the dark, secretly thrilled at how affected I've made him.



This is flying horse shit.

The only consolation I have right now is that I can hear Elva stumbling over herself in the dark. Once. Twice. Three times in a matter of minutes, until she finally complains, "I can't see a fucking thing, Kairon."

"You'll get used to it," I grit out, once again willing my painfully hard dick to relax. Elva being a vicious tease only increased my need for her. She's playing a dangerous game, but every round of it draws me in further and further until the Eyes' warning is barely more than a fleeting memory.

"Asshole," she mutters under her breath. If I were in a different state, I might have laughed at her bravery. She's alone in a dark cavern with me, and were I to kill her here, no one would find her for months, if ever. But as it is, I'm so godsdamned frustrated I can't find anything funny at all. Only terribly irritating. The only sound I want to hear from my Elva currently is her begging me to let her come. To grant her the release we both so desperately need.

I would even settle for the sound of her choking on me, trying to take me down her throat as I hold her captive and mercilessly fuck her mouth.

You can't bed her either. Ovoor's voice grates in my head, and I internally shout at it to shut the fuck up. If I want to fuck my little troublesome guest until she comes screaming, I will.

"We're nearly there," I tell her, my jaw hurting from the effort of keeping from her.

For the first time in my life, I consider taking a trip to the Ordinance. Surely, someone there could curb this ridiculous craving. Someone whose body won't send me into such a state that I'm willing to gamble all of our fates just to have it. Someone who will do their job, I could pay them handsomely, and we could go our separate ways forever.

"You meet with the Syren Queen this close to the castle?" she asks.

"No." Even as I consider it, I know nothing and no one but Elva will do. And it makes me all the more enraged. I've turned into a horny teenager again, thinking only with the demon hanging between my legs.

When we finally reach the bottom, I slide the hidden door open, and Elva practically hisses at the intensity of the moonlight pouring down on us. She takes a moment to acclimate from the pitch-black tunnel we were in as I keep walking, knowing she'll follow even if it means she has to run to do so.

"So where do we go from here?" she asks, moving at almost a jog to keep up with my long strides. Just because I feel like torturing her, I walk faster, forcing her to pick up her pace just to stay with me.

I sigh, turning the corner towards Drakken's home. "The journey to the seaside caves is very long and very treacherous, so we will have to take the horse."

"Oh! I love horses!" she beams, trying to make casual conversation and pretending she doesn't know I'm only moments away from bending her over the nearest surface and making her scream for me, whether she's ready for that or not.

She certainly won't like this horse. Especially if she has a fear of heights. Before we round the corner, I can hear Drakken whinnying, sensing my presence already. If I didn't know better, I might think she and I share some kind of psychic connection. Whenever I need to go for a ride, be it for kingly duties or because I need to escape them, she seems ready before I arrive.

"No helm tonight?" Elva asks, trying once again to break the awkward tension building.

I grit my teeth, her curiosity and lack of fear irritating and enticing me all at once. "No need when it's just Maren."

"Oh, Maren?" she drawls. "I didn't realize you and the queen were so friendly." Her tone screams of jealousy, and I'm tempted to let her believe what she wants if it means she'll continue showing how much she dislikes it.

Instead, I tell the truth, ruining my own fun just to keep her from being upset. "It's not what you think." I chuckle. "She's known me since I was a child. She was the one who found me after my parents- um, died."

"The queen from a foreign kingdom is the one who found you?" Her suspicion is evident, but she certainly hasn't earned the trust required to know that story yet.


She raises her brows in surprise, my tone making it perfectly clear that I won't be answering any more questions about it.

We don't have time for my usual care and love before Drakken begins her work, but she still needs something. I grab a couple of apples from the tree just outside her stable, begrudgingly handing one to Elva. She needs to come with a peace offering; otherwise, the horse will never allow her to touch her, much less ride her.

Elva nearly bounces on her heels, so excited because she has no idea what creature she's about to meet. No one has ever seen Drakken and not had their blood run cold with fear. To be fair, she is a huge beast. The perfect companion for someone as terrifying as my masked facade.

When we do round the corner, and Drakken's jet-black hair comes into focus, Elva nearly squeals. It's not with terror or even the smallest amount of nerves but with joy the likes of which I've never seen from her.