“Except she hasn’t sworn off you,” Hanna said, raising her eyebrows.
“You gotta talk to her, bro,” Tucker said.
“But what if—” Shawn cut himself off, running a hand down his face.
He couldn’t voice his fear—was too afraid to even say it.
“What if she doesn’t want you?” Hanna asked, her eyes full of compassion. “Then it’s her loss. But you need to know. One way or another.”
Shawn knew Hanna was right. He’d known he’d have to talk to her for weeks now. He’d just put it off because he didn’t want it to end. Even getting pieces of her was better than nothing. But it was getting to a point where it hurt too much. He wanted more. He wanted everything. And if she didn’t want that, better to find out now than later.
“Ican’t believe you’re already leaving me,” Willa said, her eyes burning.
She hadn’t expected to get so emotional over her best friend leaving, but they’d had an extraordinary weekend together. From the Bingo Ball to a full day on the boat yesterday, Charlie had gotten the full Bay experience—and Willa didn’t want her to leave. Yesterday’s boat outing was perfect.
Amanda and Layla had joined them, and as expected, they absolutely loved Charlie. Shawn took them all over the Bay to the ideal swimming and fishing spots. They’d had a picnic on a small island, where they anchored the boat for a couple of hours while searching for sand dollars and seashells. Then, all the girls came home and watched rom-coms until everyone fell asleep on the couch or floor, the coffee table littered with empty bags of chips and wine bottles.
“You left me first,” Charlie retorted, then pulled Willa in for a hug. “You’ve got a great life here, babe.”
Willa grinned, the past couple of months flitting through her mind. “I know. I just miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” Charlie said, pulling back. “But this is why you should answer me when I call.”
Willa laughed. “Fair enough.”
“I’ll come visit again soon.”
As Charlie pulled her suitcase out of the trunk and settled her backpack on her back, Willa leaned against the side of the Jeep.
“Wait, what happened with that guy?” she asked.
“What guy?” Charlie responded, avoiding Willa’s eyes.
“Don’t play dumb. Wyatt or whatever? Who you danced with at the Ball?”
“Ugh, that guy.” Charlie rolled her eyes. “He kept trying to, like, get to know me.”
“The horror,” Willa deadpanned.
“I offered him sex and he said no,” Charlie continued in a whisper, her voice dripping with disbelief.
“God forbid somebody says no to you.”
“That’s what I’m saying! And then he has the audacity to ask for my number?”
“Did you give it to him?”
“Of course not.”
Willa sighed and gave her best friend a grin. “Sorry I asked about it.”
“I forgive you,” Charlie winked. “So are you going to talk to Shawn?”