Page 66 of Teddy

He nods in my grip, tension dropping. “Okay. You, uh…you’re really good at this husband thing, you know. Ten out of ten, highly recommend.”

“Anyone ever tell you that you use humor as a deflection?” I ask.

He huffs a laugh, his hands coming up to hold my wrists. “Yes. Niko does. All the time. It’s a chronic condition, I’m sorry to tell you. You’re stuck with it.”

“That’s okay. I happen to like your humor,” I say seriously. “But you don’t have to hide in front of me, okay?”

His eyes never shift away. “I know that, Teddy. I really do.” His voice drops to a mumble as he adds, “Now are you going to kiss me? ’Cause you’re just really fucking close, and you smell like vanilla. Why do you always smell like vanilla? No, wait. You told me. Tom Ford. Good choice, by the way, smells great. As do you. And fuck, why aren’t you kissing me yet?”

Kipp’s rambling cuts off when I bring my mouth to his. The sound he makes is one I’m quickly becoming addicted to, soft and pleased as it is, like my lips against his are a surprise every time. His tongue greets mine, his hips press close, and he tugs on my wrists like he’s considering using my arms as leverage to climb up my body.

I’m so in trouble when it comes to this man.

When I break away, he mutters, “Fuck.”

My thoughts exactly.

“Ready for that walk?” I ask, letting my hands drop.

“Bark,” he deadpans.

With a chuckle, I grab two tumblers from the cabinet. Drinks loaded, we head out.

“How long have you lived here?” Kipp asks, his hair flopping over his forehead as we walk. He’s dressed casually today, in jeans and a tee, no product in his hair. He looks good. Comfortable.


“Here as in Nevada or my apartment?” I ask.

He shoots me a smile. “Either?”

“I’ve been in my apartment for five years and in Nevada since I was eighteen. So… Jesus, eighteen years now.”

“Did you come here for college?” he asks.

I nod, taking a sip of my smoothie before answering. “I followed my brother from Canada. Vegas was his dream. Something about the lights and the energy of it. Ever since he was young, he wanted to move here. Got his wish.”

“And you?” he asks softly.

I shrug. “I wanted to practice law. And since we were going to do that together, it made sense for me to come here, too.”

Kipp is silent for a moment. Not long, but long enough to tell me he’s thinking through what I said. “You haven’t talked about him much.”

“Cam? No, we’re not close anymore.”

“Why not?”

This time, it’s me who’s silent for an extended beat. “He and my boyfriend got together in an attempt to take control of the business.”

Kipp stops walking. When I turn around, he’s staring at me with wide eyes. “What?”

I huff a humorless laugh. “Yeah, that about sums it up.”

Kipp catches up to me quickly. “Holy hell, Teddy. Are you okay?”

“It was a long time ago,” I say, which doesn’t really answer the question.

“Damn,” he says slowly. “I think that might put my family drama to shame.”