Page 35 of Teddy

He doesn’t deign to answer me. “You’re not acting on behalf of the firm. You don’t care about running the business. You’re just holding onto those shares to spite Antoni and me.”

“You never understood,” I say, shaking my head.

“Understood what?” he asks, sounding put out.

“What it meant to me. Starting that business with you, Cam. Building something from the ground up. You didn’t care that it was my dream. You didn’t care that it was never about profits to me. You were greedy, and you stomped all over me on your pursuit to the top. You made my staying impossible, and you never looked back. And now, what? You want me to sell?” I let out a frustrated sound. “I don’t care about the money. I never did. And believe it or not, I don’t sit around plotting ways to get my revenge. Those shares are mine. I earned them with my own goddamn sweat and tears. They mean something to me. And you can’t ever take that away. I’m not selling.”

I hang up before my brother can respond, and then I block his number like I should have done years ago. Family doesn’t betray you. Family doesn’t stab you in the back. I thought, once, that Cameron loved me. And maybe he did. Maybe he even does. But not all love is healthy, and I’ve come too far to let myself be dragged back into that twisted mess.

With a sigh, I stick my phone in my pocket and head down the hall to Emil’s. My costars are hard at work, nearly having cleared the entire space. Kipp catches my eye from the kitchen, a small box of utensils in his hands.

“Hey,” he says, walking over. “Everything all right?”

As I look at Kipp’s gentle smile and the way his eyes are creased in concern, I think that yeah, maybe everything will be.

“Yep,” I tell him. “Feeling sore yet?”

“Why?” he asks a little cautiously.

“Just wondering what temperature you prefer for your baths.”

He looks surprised for all of a second before he laughs, loudly and without restraint. “Do I get salts, too?”

“Anything you want, Kipp.”

Anything you want.

Chapter 10


We get Emil set up in his new apartment without issue. He thanks us profusely, buying pizza for the entire porn star fam, which I guess includes me now. I’ve officially become part of the HABs— husbands and boyfriends club—even if, technically, my whole marriage with Teddy is a sham. Doesn’t matter. I’ve leveled up.

By the time Teddy and I get home, the sun has set, and I’m a strange combination of sore and horny. I know the bath thing was a joke—one I started—but damn does that sound good right about now. Although, anything with Teddy’s hands and my body sounds pretty damn good, if I’m being honest. Watching the man haul furniture all day was a lesson in patience. And I’ve never been a patient guy.

I’m debating the merits of whining about my muscles just to see what would happen when Teddy tugs off his shirt. “Come on,” he says, heading toward the en suite. “Hop in the shower.”

“Seriously?” I ask, gaping after him. He wants to shower together?

“If you want,” he replies, his smirk telling me he knows exactly what I want. I don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast.

Teddy chuckles as I race past him and tug off my clothes. He starts the shower, and I simply stare at him. His broad, furry chest. The ridiculously strong arms. His dark beard and holy shit, there go his pants. My eyes skim downwards, taking in the curve of his ass, his thick, hairy thighs, and his beautiful, fat cock. Fuuuck.

“Have I told you how hot you are?” I ask. “It’s unfair, really.”

Teddy’s lips twitch as he checks the shower temp. “Get in.”

“I mean,” I go on, stepping inside the stall, “you look like that, but you’re also a nice person. Like, genuinely kind. Do you know how rare that is?”

Teddy backs me into the wall, and my breath leaves me on a gasp. His thigh slides between my legs, forcing me to widen my stance, and his hand trails up my chest until he’s gripping the side of my neck, his thumb beneath my chin. I swallow against the digit.

“I don’t always play nice,” he says, his voice deceptively soft. “Can I touch you?”

I refrain from blurting you already are. Instead, I nod vigorously. “Yes. Anytime. Blanket permission.”

He smiles, his hand circling my erection. My eyes roll up as the back of my head hits the tile.

“I want to be clear about something,” he says, stroking me slowly. “A couple somethings, actually. First, when we’re like this, I’m in charge.”