Page 30 of Teddy

“You called me boy.”

There, I said it.

Teddy hums again, watching the side of my face. I find a very nice tree to look at. “Is that the part that bothered you?” he asks evenly.

“Yes,” I admit, finally catching his gaze. There’s nothing but kindness there.

“I won’t say it again.”

I nearly stutter a step. “That easily?”

“That easily,” he says. “All I want is to make you feel good, Kipp, and if that didn’t make you feel good, I won’t do it again.”

“Well, shit,” I mutter.

His chuckle is warm. “Was the sweetheart okay?”

“Christ, Teddy. You realize I’m five foot eleven and three-quarters, fill a shirt pretty nicely if I do say so myself, and shave on the daily, right? I’m not the small sweetheart type to most guys.”

“I’m well aware of what you look like, Kipp,” he says, lips quirking. “And that didn’t answer my question.”

“It was fine,” I mutter, most definitely not blushing.

Teddy makes a pleased sound that drops my shoulders, like he has a direct line to some sort of relax Kipp button. It’s effective, that’s for sure.

“Teddy,” I say, stopping for a moment. He stops with me. “I’m all for this.” I point between us. “And I’m not opposed to meeting some of your less intimidating dildos. I just… I don’t know what this means. I don’t know if I can be the sort of partner you want.”

“Kipp,” he says, the one word soft. “You’re already exactly what I want.”

The way that lights me up should scare me. It really, really should. But all I want is to bask in the glow.

“Come on,” Teddy says gently, steering me in the opposite direction. “Let’s go home, make a late breakfast, and we’ll talk.”

“More talking,” I deadpan. “Yay.”

Teddy snorts. “It’ll be painless, I promise.”

“Good. Because I have to tell you, I don’t think I’m a masochist. If you’re into flogging, you might be outta luck. I nearly fainted the last time I got my blood drawn. That shit hurt.”

My sexy-as-fuck husband chuckles, a smile on his face as the two of us head home. I can’t quite help but smile, too.

“So…you’d basically boss me around,” I sum up after Teddy finishes explaining the whole Daddy Dom thing. I stuff a bite of pancake in my mouth as his lips twitch.

“Only in the bedroom,” he clarifies.

“Okay, but yesterday was in the living room,” I point out just to be contrary.

“Stand up,” he says.

“What? Why?”

“So I can swat your ass.”

The expression on Teddy’s face lets me know he’s teasing, but damn. That doesn’t sound like the worst thing.

Setting that aside for now…

“You really think I’m submissive, though?” I ask, still not quite getting that part, even though I did really like what happened last night. “I mean, I’m pretty assertive when it comes to sex, Teddy. I’ve never been one to let the other guy do all the work.”