Page 59 of Teddy

That hook in my chest pulls unbearably tight as I glide my hand up to Kipp’s neck, grabbing his chin and turning his face toward me. “I’m not going to say no, babydoll. Not ever. I told you I’d take care of you, and I will. But we’re not doing it here.”

He nods in my grip, and I let him go.

“Bedroom,” I say. “C’mon.”

Kipp slides off the couch, and taking his hand, I lead him to our room. He looks so lost, his usual pluck absent. Despite his request, I know it’s not just sex he needs tonight. So when he reaches for the buttons on his shirt, I make a sound to stall him. He stills, eyes catching mine.

“Sit down,” I tell him.

He does, waiting at the edge of the bed with his legs apart and his hair in a floppy brown mess around his head. I walk over, raking my fingers through the strands until Kipp is looking up at me.

“Who do you belong to?” I ask.

His mouth pops open. “You.”

“That’s right,” I coo. “You’re my doll. So whose job is it to undress you?”

His chest rises and falls. “Yours?”

“You’re catching on, sweetheart.”

Kipp’s eyelids feather closed for a moment before those bright blue eyes latch back onto mine. He looks dazed, gorgeous, perfect. I understand why Kipp tended toward being the dominant partner in his past relationships. It’s all he knew.

But at his core, Kipp longs to let go. He wants to be the one being taken care of and being taken apart. He wants to be praised and loved and doted on.

And he won’t find anyone better suited to that job than me.

I let my fingers fall from Kipp’s hair, reaching for his shirt and freeing his buttons one at a time. “I need you to pick a safeword tonight, doll.”

His breath hiccups. “What? Why?”

The backs of my fingers brush his chest as I open his shirt. I can feel his rabbit heart racing.

“Because…” I say slowly. “Before I fuck you, I’m going to spank you.”

Chapter 16


It takes a moment for my brain to reboot. I can practically hear the whir of it coming back online, and then Teddy’s words register.

“But…” I say slowly. “I thought…”

“It’s not a punishment, sweetheart,” Teddy says, seemingly understanding my confusion. “Not in the least. Why would I punish you? You’re perfect. My perfect, beautiful doll.”

My chest warms, a bright pulse of light, even as my brain struggles to catch up.

Teddy pulls my shirt from my pants and opens the last button. “It’s to help you relax. If you don’t like it, we’ll stop. I promise.”

I have no doubt of that. The idea of Teddy forcing me to do anything I don’t want is laughable. “But you think I’ll like it,” I say.

Teddy nods, sliding my shirt down my arms, his fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. “You will,” he says, utterly confident.

“Why, um… Why do I need a safeword? We haven’t done that before.”

Teddy nods once before crouching. He unbuttons and unzips my pants, tapping my hip until I rise up enough for him to tug the material down. “If you ever say no or stop, I will stop. I need you to trust that.”

“I do.” Not even a question.