Page 54 of Teddy

Teddy steps up behind me, dipping his lips to the back of my neck. I close my eyes, heat and comfort following his touch.

“I like your hair,” he murmurs.

“Like holding it,” I shoot back.

I open my eyes to find him smirking at me. Smug bastard.

“You look hot,” I tell him because he does. He’s wearing smart gray slacks and a salmon-colored button-down that I’m fairly sure is a statement for my family. A yes, I’m a man who likes men and wears pink—got a problem with that? I approve wholeheartedly.

“You look good, too,” he says, eyes raking over me in a way that has my dick perking.

“Yeah?” I say with a grin. “Wanna show me how much? We could stay here and—”

Teddy smacks my ass, the sound a sharp echo in the bathroom as he leans close. “Behave.”

And then he walks out the door.


“Ted-dy,” I moan, adjusting my dick. “That was mean.”

“But are you still thinking about your hair?” he calls.

“No,” I grumble, wriggling my hips. “I’m thinking about my husband’s big-as-fuck hands.”

My phone pings on the counter. A text.

Nik: Doing okay?

I let out a breath, heading into the bedroom as I compile a response.

Me: Think so. Ask me again in a couple hours.

Nik: I wish you’d let them go.

I don’t know how.

Nik: Text me if you need to bail.

Me: Thanks, but Teddy will be there to defend me. Have you seen the man? Pretty sure he could carry me away like a football.

Nik: I’m shaking my head. Good luck.

I pocket my phone, searching for a tie before I decide fuck it, I’m not wearing a tie. It’s just dinner with my ultra-conservative parents and outwardly homophobic brother. No big deal.


“Kipp?” Teddy says softly, standing in the doorway.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I tell him, trying to believe it.

Teddy and I load into his car, him driving. The restaurant I asked my family to meet us at is all the way across town. I wanted the distance.

“Would you tell me a little about them?” Teddy asks.

I groan but nod. It’s only fair. “Yeah, so I came out when I was sixteen. It just wasn’t really an option for me not to. I knew they weren’t going to react well, but you’ve seen me. I’m a what you see is what you get kind of guy.”

Teddy huffs quietly.