Page 44 of Teddy

Shit. Shit.

“I…I’m not even at my apartment anymore. I’m living with Teddy, and I don’t feel comfortable giving you his address, so—”

“Fucking hell, Kipling. What, you need to ask his permission first? I guess that answers that question.”

“What question?” I ask, my ears ringing.

“About who wears the pants in your relationship.” He scoffs. “Tell me, do you bend over every time he snaps his—”

My brother’s voice cuts off, and it takes me a second to realize why. Oh shit. I hung up on him.

His text comes swiftly.

Vaughn: Friday, princess. You better text your fucking address.

With a groan, I slump against the outside of the building. What a goddamn mess. Why are they even coming? I’m nearly thirty years old. It’s not like they can tell me what to do anymore.

I pull up Teddy’s number and call before I can second-guess myself. A voice that’s definitely not his answers.

“Why, hello, Kipperoo.”

“Alex?” I ask, checking my screen.

“In the metaphorical flesh,” he says cheerfully. “What can I do for you? Teddy is currently indisp—hey.” Alex’s voice gets quieter. “I was talking. And damn, Teddy Bear, that towel is much too small for you.”

“Kipp?” Teddy asks, his voice rumbling through my ear. “What’s wrong?”

My shoulders drop, and I lean my head back against the building, feeling a little bit like I might cry. Ridiculous. “My parents are coming. And my brother.”


“Friday. I don’t know what to do,” I admit.

“Do you want to see them?” he asks softly.

I shake my head. “I have to.”

He doesn’t ask why, and I’m grateful for it. How do I explain they’re my family? I can’t just…say no to them, can I?

“Do you want me with you?” Teddy asks, his voice breaking through my thoughts.

“Fuck, Teddy, I do, but…but I don’t.”

“Why do you?” he asks, his tone gentle and without judgment. I can hear Alex saying something quietly in the background, and Teddy mumbles a response before his voice is in my ear again. “Kipp?”

“Am I interrupting work?” I ask, pushing off from the wall. I walk behind the building, where a small sliver of green space sits.

“No, I’m done filming,” Teddy answers. “I’m in the locker room now. So why do you want me there?”

Because… “You make me feel safe.”

And shit, did I really just say that out loud?

Teddy hums. It sounds like approval, and suddenly, I don’t feel so bad about my admission. “And why don’t you want me there?” he asks.

“Because I don’t want you to meet them. They’re not nice people, Teddy. I don’t want them to be not-nice to you.”

He seems to mull that over. “But it’s okay if they’re not-nice to you?”