Page 27 of Teddy

He nods, a lazy motion, and I get up, standing beside the couch for just a beat—making sure he’s okay—before I head swiftly down the hall. I drop both of our shirts in my hamper and grab a cloth from the bathroom.

Kipp hasn’t moved an inch when I return, and I use the damp cloth to clean his cock. “Thanks,” he mumbles, finally starting to stir.

I offer my hand, which he accepts with a soft chuckle.

“Take it slow,” I tell him.

“I’m fine,” he replies, running his fingers through his hair as he sits upright. “I, um…” He seems to shake himself loose. “Here, let me return the favor.”

“I’m good,” I assure him before he can reach for me.

His forehead creases with his frown. “You don’t want me to?”

“You were perfect, Kipp,” I tell him honestly. “That was everything I wanted.”

He still looks unsure, but I hold out my hand again.

“Come on,” I encourage. “Let’s get to bed.”

“Yeah, okay,” he agrees, letting himself be pulled to his feet.

We make our way down the hall, both of us brushing our teeth before we change. Kipp looks a little nervous as he climbs under the sheets, like maybe his mind is just now kicking into overdrive, so I climb in quickly after, tugging him close to me and maneuvering him onto his side. Chest to his back, I wrap my arm around him.

His huff sounds like a laugh. “Are we cuddle buddies now?”

“I like to cuddle after sex. Is that okay?”

He lets out a tiny hum, but I don’t miss the way he relaxes. “Yeah, I suppose that’s fine. I mean, we are married. A little cuddling between husbands is no big deal.”

“Exactly,” I say, pressing a kiss to his neck. “Glad you see it my way. Sleep well, Kipp.”

“Night, Teddy.”

The last thing I remember is Kipp’s arm curling gently over my own.

Chapter 8


Niko doesn’t answer the first time I call, so I try again, keeping a casual eye on the door as my phone rings. Teddy wasn’t in bed when I woke, nor inside the apartment, but there was a note on the nightstand—a literal note—saying he’d be back shortly.

Niko picks up right before the call can go to voicemail. “Kipp?” he says sleepily.

From the background, I hear, “The fuck is he calling this early for? It’s not even ten on a goddamn Saturday.”

“Tell Dixon sorry,” I say quickly. “I just, uh…”

Niko must hear something in my tone because he says soothing words to Dixon before a door shuts. “What’s up?” he asks.

I tug at my hair a little, eyeing the door again. “I had sex with Teddy,” I whisper. “Sort of.”

I can practically hear Niko’s slow blink. “Start at the beginning.”

“Okay, so I came home last night, and Teddy sucked my finger. Which, hello, what? But then he tried to act like it didn’t mean anything, and I was like, dude, no way. And he was like, fine, maybe I want you for all time. Which, rad. So Teddy sat on me and told me to lie there and take it, but in a super respectful way, and then he edged me for, like, half an hour with a handy, Nik. The best fucking handy. And then…”

My voice peters out, lost.

“And then?” Niko encourages.