Page 23 of Teddy

He doesn’t seem to know what to do with that. “Are you calling yourself a dog?”

My face scrunches. “That’d be pissing, not humping, wouldn’t it?”

Niko waves his hand in the air. “You know what, I don’t need to know.”

“What? No, I’m not saying I want to mark the man with my urine,” I say indignantly, cringing when the woman next to us gets quickly out of her seat and leaves.

Niko barely holds in his laugh. “What I’m getting at,” he says forcefully enough to get us back on track, “is that these things happen. If Teddy is on board with this whole continued marriage thing, then stop taking all the blame onto yourself. Maybe, when all is said and done, the two of you will end up being good friends.”

“Wesleepinthesamebed,” I mumble.

“Come again?”

“We sleep in the same bed, Nik. Is that friendly?”

He laughs, hand over his face as he shakes his head. “You’re so screwed, bud.”

Maybe so, but if Teddy isn’t willing to be the one doing the screwing, then I’ll just have to find someone who is.

Chapter 7


I’m not doing a very good job of keeping myself distracted. Kipp has been gone all evening, and I know what he’s trying to accomplish. After getting home from work, he got dressed in a pair of pants that should be illegal considering what they showed off, added a tight white shirt that displayed his gorgeous body far too well, and then sauntered out the door with a cheeky, “See ya later, honey.”

I nearly cracked a molar.

It’s my own damn fault. I know that. Doesn’t mean I have to like what my husband is out doing.

Damn it, this whole situation is messed up.

I’m just about to admit defeat and force myself into bed when Kipp bursts through the front door in a cloud of chaotic energy and frustration. My pulse skips as he shoves the door shut and comes to a stop, holding up his hand.

“I was wearing my ring,” he huffs.

“What?” I ask, twisting from my spot on the couch to see him better.

He waves his hand, gold band flashing. “My ring, Teddy.” The man storms over, falling onto the couch and rolling to his back, his head near my hip, shoes still on his feet. “I tried to pull at the club, but the guy saw my ring and freaked. I told him you gave me permission, but he said hell no and that he didn’t want any part in my weird cuckolding marriage. What the fuck?”

I press my lips together, fighting a laugh despite this predicament being less than amusing. I can’t say I’m disappointed Kipp struck out, but I do feel bad, considering how downtrodden the poor guy is.

I sift my fingers through his hair.

“You want to know the other fucked up thing?” Kipp asks.

“Tell me.”

“I can’t get it off.”

Now that definitely shouldn’t make me happy.

“I tried in the bathroom at the club,” he goes on. “And it’s stuck. See?” He proceeds to tug at the band to no avail before his hands flop onto the couch. “I’m going to die of neglected dick because I’m in a sexless marriage and can’t even lie about it by taking off my damn ring.” A beat of silence passes before he adds, “I can honestly say I never thought that sentence would come out of my mouth.”

“Did you wash your hands before you left the club?” I ask.

He tilts his head back to look at me, brows pulling together. “Yeah. I came home right after the bathroom fiasco. Why?”

I grab Kipp’s hand. His mouth falls open when I suck his ring finger between my lips, getting it good and wet before I try to wiggle the band over his knuckle with my teeth. He swallows heavily, body twisting slightly so he can watch me.