Page 21 of Teddy

Niko tilts his head, his expression making it clear he sees through my bullshit. He can tell I’m struggling. “Have you two filed for the annulment yet?”

“Yeah,” I say slowly. “About that…”

“Spit it out, Kipp.”

“We’re maybe going to stay married? For now?” I give him a reassuring smile for good measure.

“Like a test run?” he asks, nodding.

I pause. “Wait, what?”

Niko pops his straw out of the wrapper, putting it in his drink and taking a sip. “You two are giving it a go,” he says. “Trying the whole together thing. Most people date before getting married, but hey, you do you.”

I sputter. “We’re not…together.”

His eyes pinch. “No?”

“Uh, no.”

“Huh,” he says, shrugging.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I all but whine.

Niko huffs a laugh. “I don’t know. I just thought… Well, I could have sworn he liked you. And I know you like him.” He shrugs again, digging into his sandwich.

My mouth opens and closes, my own lunch sitting untouched in front of me. “He doesn’t like me,” I finally reply. He might be attracted to me, sure. The way I’ve caught him staring at me these past few days is proof enough. But that doesn’t mean he likes me.

“If you say so,” Niko says.

“Nik,” I groan. “He won’t even fuck me.”

His eyebrows pop up at that, a muffled laugh leaving his lips as the woman at the table next to us whips her head our way. Whoops.

Lowering my voice, I say, “He won’t. And I’ve asked. Which, you know, fine. Whatever. It’s not like my feelings are hurt.”

Not much, at least. The man works in porn, but he still has standards for who he sleeps with. And he should. He’s a total catch. Any guy would be lucky to have him.

I guess that guy just isn’t me.

“Kipp,” Niko says, touching my arm to get my attention. “I think there’s more there.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, perking up a little.

He takes another sip of his drink before answering me. “He hasn’t talked about it, but I get the sense there’s a reason he doesn’t date.”

“I didn’t ask to date him,” I point out, finally unwrapping my sandwich. At a mumble, I add, “I just want him to dick me so hard into his mattress that there’s a permanent divot left behind.”

Niko chuckles. “Well, what’d he say? When you asked for the dicking?”

“Something about it being too messy for us to have sex since we’re married and all that, blah, blah, blah,” I say, waving my hand.

“Sure,” Niko says slowly. “I mean, I get that. But damn, does that explanation seem flawed.”

My laugh is slightly pained. “Right?”

“Let me ask you this,” he says, leaning forward. “Do you like him? Like, date him like him, not just sex him up like him? I mean, there has to be a reason the two of you got married, drunk or not.”

“It doesn’t matter, Nik,” I say, my chest pulling tight. “He’s made it clear his answer is no to anything I have to offer, and I have to respect that. I will.”