Page 2 of Teddy

I turn and, upon finding Mr. Red Shirt, wave exuberantly. “Thanks!” I call.

The man grins, but when I turn back to my drink, it’s gone.

“You’re cut off,” Teddy says.

I gape as he downs the drink himself, setting the empty glass on the bar top once he’s done. “Dude, you can’t do that. You’re not my dad.”

The look Teddy gives me has me stilling in my seat, my hair standing on end and every muscle in my body freezing. It only lasts a second, that searing gaze, and then Teddy blinks and looks away. But that one second is enough to have my breath coming short.

“Hey,” a voice says near my ear. I turn, and Mr. Red Shirt is standing there. “I saw your friend take your drink. Can I buy you another?”

“He’s not interested,” Teddy says, unceremoniously tugging me off my stool and dragging me away from the bar.

I follow, voice lost and dick confusingly hard.

“Kipper!” someone calls. A second later, a small, blonde human collides into me. I grab hold of Alex, another Elite 8 performer who goes by Tink, and laugh when he snags a dick off my necklace.

“Mind your teeth,” I tell him.

He grins rakishly at me, chomping down on the candy. “I was looking for you guys. C’mon. We’re doing blowjobs.”

“We’re doing what now?” I ask, grinning wildly as I follow. Teddy’s hand pulls against my own for a second before he walks after me.

Alex sends me a wink. “Shots, boo.”

As promised, there’s a large tray of whipped-cream-topped shots on the table Alex leads us to. The rest of our party is already there, most of them porn stars. We’re out celebrating Cas’s—or Himbo’s—departure from the studio, as well as his boyfriend, Jason, becoming a nurse. Honestly, I don’t know either well, but I heard the words party bus, and I was in.

Niko sends me an up-nod when we reach the table, and I lean across Dixon, his boyfriend, to give him a hug. Dixon, who goes by Dix, grumbles the entire time.

“Having fun?” Niko asks when I step back, his eyes smiling.

“So much fun,” I assure him just as Alex calls out a toast.

“To swallowing!” the blonde says.

There’s a collective cheer, and everyone goes for their shots. Before I have a chance to show off my incredible blowjob skills, Teddy snags my drink right out from under me. I watch, eyes wide, as he swiftly downs the shot, followed by his own.

“You’re gonna be drunk soon, too, if you keep that up,” I say, reaching over to run my finger along his lip where a small dollop of whipped cream lingers.

Teddy’s chest rises as I bring the sweetened finger to my tongue. Our eyes catch. Hold.

“Time to dance!” Alex shouts.

Heart thundering, I break Teddy’s gaze and grab a spare shot off the table. Before he can stop me, I toss it back and take off after Alex, snickering all the while. My mind is wonderfully hazy as I get lost in the sea of bodies on the dance floor, ignoring everything but the undulating wave around me and the music pulsing through my ears. It doesn’t even register at first that the big hands holding tight to my hips are familiar.

When I open my eyes, Teddy is watching me with a hawk-like intensity. He leans close, his lips brushing my ear. “You need a keeper.”

“You could keep me,” I suggest, grinding a little—maybe a lot—against Teddy’s leg.

His fingers spasm on my hips. “Don’t tempt me, Kipp.”

“I want to tempt you,” I counter, past the point of caring about my loose tongue. “Why haven’t we fucked?”

He closes his eyes for a beat, looking almost pained. “I don’t want to fuck you, Kipp.”

“No?” I ask, disappointment hitting hard. I could have sworn…

“I want to own you.”