“I would have to disagree.” I slide onto the kitchen stool as he turns back to the stove with a shake of his head. On the counter there’s bacon, eggs, mushrooms and hash browns lined up and ready for their turn to fry. Everything smells incredible. How did I snag a man who can cook?

Not snagged. He’s not mine. But - is he? Does his stomach twist like mine is right now? Our eyes are like magnets always finding each other, and it doesn’t feel like a cheap hookup. But maybe he cooks breakfast for all his one-night stands. That’s a sobering thought.


My body immediately tenses and snaps my attention back to the kitchen. In the past any sharp outbursts like that would warn me that Marco was about to fly into a rage, so my flight or fight reflex kicks in. As my heartrate spikes Jacob comes out of the pantry with one sad-looking loaf of bread in his hand. “Ethan didn’t wrap the bread up properly last night, so it’s gone rock hard. Fuck me, how many times do I need to tell him…”. The rest of his sentence fails as he reads the anxiety radiating from me. Instantly his energy calms.

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry Alex. I shouldn’t have yelled.” He walks straight to me and gently touches my arm. “Are you ok?”

My breathing slows, and as the adrenalin wanes I realise that everything with this man feels so different. His anger was never directed towards me, I never felt to blame, and when he saw my panic the way his mood shifted so fast made me feel safe. Protected, even.

Sensing the mood shift in the room and not wanting our sexy bubble to burst just yet, I smile softly and brush my hand over his to soothe his worry. “It’s all good, I’ve only known Ethan for a day and even I’m not surprised he did that.” I stand up and take the stale bread from his hands. “Since you’re here cooking this incredible breakfast, how about I dash to the bakery for a fresh loaf? It’s the least I can do.”

“The least you can do is sit back down and go back to undressing me with your eyes, and that’s more than enough for me.” His hand squeezes my ass. “Wait - you’re not wearing…”

I quickly step back. If I stay within arm’s reach this breakfast won’t get made. “I’m going and that’s final. I’ll be ten minutes, tops. And for the record, I like my bacon extra crispy.” With a wink I walk out of the kitchen, and can’t help but add an extra swing to my hips.

“Alex!” Just as I reach, the door, he calls my name and I turn back towards him.

“Just… promise me you’ll put panties on before you leave?”

I smile ever so innocently. “How will you know?” As his jaw drops I turn and leave the kitchen, closing the door behind me.


The streets are busier than I thought at this hour - mental note for next time I’m doing the walk of shame. Despite fresh clothes and pulling my hair into a top knot I’m paranoid that I reek of sex. But is that so bad? There’s something about Jacob that makes me proud to be with him. It was never like that with my ex - I’d always be making excuses for poor behaviour, or would walk on eggshells so he wouldn’t get mad. Jacob is moody, even grumpy at times, but from the moment I arrived he’s been so kind and responsive to my emotions in a way I never expected a man to be. This feels so different. It’s easy, it’s natural, it’s fun.

It’s love.

That thought stops me in my tracks, but now my brain won’t let it go. Oh my god. I love Jacob. Despite it seeming impossible, I know it’s true. A stupid grin creeps over my face.

“Nice to see someone happy at this hour!” The woman behind the counter returns my energy with a smile. She takes the bread from my hands and starts bagging it up.

“Oh wait - I left my wallet back at the bar! I’ll come back-”

“Don’t be silly, I’ll just add it to Jacob’s tab” she says. I realise we met briefly last night, so she knows where I'm staying.

“That’s so kind, thank you.” I gush as I take the bag from her. “It’s Emily, right?”

“Good memory!” Emily grins as she writes a note and pops it into the till. “Need anything else?”

“Nope, that’s it. Thanks again, you’re a lifesaver.”

“Not a problem. Just tell Jacob his regular order will be there by about ten - and tell him I said he’s picked a good one,” she says with a knowing wink.

Crap. She knows. Before my shock can settle in she waves me goodbye and moves to the next customer in line. I walk out, waiting to feel embarrassed or ashamed, and yet it never comes.

I’m still grinning like an idiot when my phone pings. Hoping it’s a text from Jacob (or maybe a dirty pic to make me blush in public) I swipe up.

Everything stops. The joy that was permeating from me moments before has evaporated into thin air. All I feel is panic, terror, disbelief.

It’s a text from an unsaved number, but it’s a number I know too well. There’s a picture of me, standing outside the bakery with that wild grin on my face and holding the loaf of bread. And underneath two simple but devastating words.

“Found you.”


Ican’t remember if I locked the door behind me, and right now I don’t care. All I can think about is getting to Alex as soon as I can. When Emily called to say she was having a panic attack I knew I needed to get to her and make whatever caused it to go away. I won’t allow anything in this world to make her upset.