I thunder down the stairs and push through the door to the main bar. My body unexpectedly collides with another and before I know what's happening there’s paper flying everywhere. In the chaos I hear a squeal and see Alex falling to the floor. I reach out and catch her in my arms.
“Shit, I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” My first concern is eased when I see she isn’t hurt, but I can’t help but notice how perfectly her body fits against mine.
Alex gazes up at me in a daze, her flushed cheeks showing how flustered she is. “Yes, I’m fine. Just a bit startled.” Her mouth curves into a small smile, which causes my cock to stir. Shit, I need to let her go before she notices. But feeling her so close to me just feels so right.
My eyes fly to the unwelcome intruder standing in the kitchen doorway. As always, Ethan knows how to make a memorable entrance at the worst possible time. I can see him winding up to crack a joke at our expense but pulls up short when he catches my glare. I focus my attention back to her. She’s frozen in my arms, and a chill runs down my spine when I see the terror in her face. I mean yeah, he was a smartass but surely not intimidating?
“Oh shit, sorry guys. Didn’t mean to interrupt.” I want to roll my eyes at his blatant lie but I’m too concerned about Alex. She stares at him for a moment, and I can feel a slight shake ripple through her body. Before I can tell Ethan to leave her the hell alone, she finds her footing and stands up, stepping out of my hold. Instantly my arms miss her warmth.
“You’re not interrupting anything except my clumsiness. I think I’m still exhausted from the trip yesterday.” Her voice is melodic and perky, but I wasn’t fooled. There's a tension I can’t decipher. It was the same tension I felt when she arrived last night, and what causes her to snap back when I stupidly touched her arm. Clearly there's more to her story than just moving here for a new job, and I'm going to find out what it is.
Ethan's eyes meet mine, and whatever he sees in them makes him retreat back into the kitchen to finish lunch prep. I join Alex in picking up the scattered school papers that now lie all over the floor. Now that Ethan’s gone it’s the best chance I’ve got to clear my conscience.
“So, I want to apologise for last night.”
A split second of confusion registers on her face before her memory kicks in. “Oh no, you don’t need to do that.”
“Yeah, I think I do. I was out of line, I shouldn’t have… you know.”
“No, I mean it. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just…” Her eyes darken and she avoids my gaze. She bites her lip like she didn’t know what to say next. “It’s been a rough few months, and I think I’m still a bit jumpy. You were fine - I was just surprised.”
She stands and walks to the closest booth, where she slides in and puts her schoolwork in front of her. There was something in her haunted face that made me take the bench seat opposite. “Is everything ok?”
“Oh yeah, nothing major.” Like hell it wasn’t. Everything in her body language screams that this was definitely major. She must have noticed the disbelief in my face. Her voice drops to a whisper. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
I had to suppress the urge to put my arms around her and protect her with everything in my power. But I could tell she was in a vulnerable state, so I couldn’t do too much too soon. Instead I take a tiny risk and place my hand softly over hers. She stares at our hands, eyes wide and lips slightly parted. But she makes no move to pull her hand away.
“Your business is yours to talk about, or not. But if you’re ever in trouble, just know that this town will always protect their own. That includes you now. You’ll learn soon enough that we’re all here to help you, whatever you need.” I give her hand a little squeeze.
She gazes up at me, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “Thank you.”
A moment passes, and then another. Neither of us look away.
Then the clock chimes midday, and the distant sound of a car pulling into the parking lot signals the start of the lunch crowd. I let go of her hand but can’t resist a smirk. “This is probably your last chance to move upstairs if you want some peace and quiet.”
“Well, when the town finds out that the new teacher is here, they’re all gonna come round to stare and gossip. Not the mean kind, more of the nothing-ever-happens-here kind.”
“Oh geez, I’m not that interesting. They’ll get bored of me pretty quick.”
I smile more broadly. “Just remember you said that.” With that I give her a nod, slide out of the booth and walk into the kitchen, where I immediately bump into a wall of muscle.
“So, should we draw straws for her?” Ethan says with a cheeky wink.
“Don’t what?”
“Be an asshole.”
“I’m not! It’s just been a while since fresh meat came to town, and…”
I don’t let him finish that sentence before I grab his shirt and throw him up against the freezer. “Don’t you fucking dare call her that.”
Since Ethan was twice as strong as me, he didn’t even pretend to be hurt. He just grins his annoying shit-eating grin. “I knew it.”