Her voice was low and somber. “I appreciate you seeing me, Logan.”

He and I exchanged a look, both of us surprised by the woman before us. He recovered smoothly, silently moving through the foyer toward the dining area where I stood. I watched Delilah waddle behind him like she was about to pop at any moment. I stifled my eye roll and forced a smile. At the end of the day, I’d take the actress over the diva.

“I know we started off on the wrong foot, but I’d like for us to at least respect each other.” I held out my hand. A part of me expected her to laugh at my olive branch. I braced myself for her righteous indignation, reminding me that she was an award-winning actress and I was just Jane Nobody. Instead, she shook my hand, a tight, painful smile stretching across her face.

“I truly want us all to start over.” Delilah released my hand and stroked her tummy. “For this little guy or girl, I’m willing to forget that you were fucking my boyfriend.”

That didn’t last long. Good to know the crazy is alive and well.

I didn’t speak the obvious, but the cat most certainly didn’t have Logan’s tongue. “I have no time for nonsense, Delilah.”

She looked calm, but the insanity was plain in her wide eyes. And she was still smiling. A crazed-looking thing that would have made the Joker run for cover.

“It’s fine, Logan,” she said solemnly. She even held a hand over her heart. “I forgive you. I even forgive your whore.”

“Whore?” Was this really happening? Could she be that deluded? “Look, I’m just trying to be rational about all of this-”

“Bravo!” She clapped her hands furiously before whirling back to face Logan. He was gaping at her like she was a wreck unfolding in slow motion. “A round of applause for the skank who stole you away from me. She’s trying to be rational, after all. Very grown up of her. Never mind the fact that she snaked her way into your bed-”

“Stop. Right. There.” Logan cut through Delilah’s rant. His voice sent chills down my spine, the authority in it making it impossible to disobey. She went several shades paler, backing up toward the elevator. Both hands on her belly.

In that moment, I truly felt sorry for her. Not because she clearly had a screw or five loose, but because she never really had Logan at all. To have him was to know him, and there was genuine fear in her eyes, like she thought he’d strike her. Hurt her. Logan would never do such a thing. She was infatuated with him, maybe even in love. How could she love him and not know him at all?

“You said you wanted to talk,” Logan said tersely. “But it’s clear you’re still intent on playing games. This meeting is over.”

She raised her chin, red locks sticking out wildly. “Now wait a second-”

“I’m talking,” he snapped.

She zipped her lips, nostrils flaring.

“This is how it’s gonna be,” Logan proclaimed. “I want to know who your obstetrician is. If they are determined inadequate, we will find a new one. I will accompany you to your appointments. I will be a part of our child’s life.”

Delilah squealed with delight, busting out a few moves from her happy dance. “Babe, this is going to be-”

The look of sheer disdain on Logan’s face shut her up.

“Don’t mistake my desire to be involved with all matters related to our child as a move towards reconciliation. There was no us. There is no us. I want no contact with you outside of our child – “

Delilah gasped. “But I – “

“Here are the terms. You will keep me informed on all medical information and appointments, and when the time comes, we will discuss shared custody.” His voice darkened. “You will refrain from talking to the media about me and your pregnancy. And you will be cordial and respectful to Melissa.” His eyes flashed dangerously. “If you ever call her anything other than her name again-”

“You’ll what?” Delilah stormed forward, her eyes tiny slits of fury, her words just as venomous. “You think you can threaten me? Bark orders at me and I’ll just follow?” She cut her eyes to me. “Has he shown you his chest full of his special toys, Melissa? Strapped you to his bed and spanked you until you howled his name?”

My stomach lurched, the burn of jealousy choking me. The idea that he was ever with her, that she ever shared the bed that he and I shared made me sick.

“She’s your sub,” Delilah spat, hurling her eyes back to Logan. “She has to obey you like some animal, not me.” She let out a haughty scoff. “Do you know who I am?”

“Do you know who I am?” Logan countered.

There was a terrifying calm in his voice. A calm that made Delilah take two more steps toward the exit.

“You will agree to my terms, or our future interactions will be through our lawyers.” He walked to the couch, leaving her flabbergasted and red-faced. “Make your choice, Delilah.”

She looked at me, then tossed a look his way, then dropped her eyes to the floor. “I think you know what my choice is.”

“Say it,” he said brusquely. “I want to make sure we’re on the same page.”