Page 9 of The Interview

“If it’s a page for me, just hold it until I’m done with Lauren,” Christy practically bit the girl’s head off.

I stepped in, eager to remind Christy Moore who was really in charge at Whitmore and Creighton.

“It’s Leila.”

Both of the women whirled to face me. It had barely been eight hours since I last saw Leila, but my heart skittered and slammed into my chest when our eyes met. The way she looked at me, stripping me down with her gaze...I couldn’t help but fantasize about disciplining her. Would she squirm? Count each strike, praying for one more?

“You!” Leila hissed, clearly taken aback by my surprise visit. “What are you-why are you-”

“Mr. Whitmore!” Christy interjected, practically shoving Leila out of the way. “I wasn’t expecting you!”

She was barely on my radar. I was locked on Leila, wishing I could get a peek inside of that beautiful head of hers. Hoping that she would say yes so I could explore other parts of her as well.

"I'm afraid I owe you an apology, Mrs. Moore."

The surprise on Christy's face mirrored the shock that gripped Natasha's when I made a joke. "You do?"

"You'll be down an aide until a replacement for Miss Montgomery can be found."

That spark I'd seen in the stairwell was instantly extinguished. It had seemed clever and obvious in my head, but when it came out I understood how it sounded like I was firing her. I almost comforted her, wanting to assure her that the only way I was letting her go was if she chose to go, but Christy was already narrow-eyed and inspecting us both, trying to put the puzzle together.

"I have another position that would be perfect for our new employee."

Leila's big doe eyes bloomed. "You do?"

"Yes. Come with me."

Every ear in the room was listening and what came next was for Leila, and Leila alone. I led the way and heard her hustle to catch up with me, her flats whispering on the marble floor. We entered the elevator and I didn't trust myself to speak without my voice giving everything away. It didn't help when her shoulder brushed mine, reminding me how good it felt when her body was near. And I was learning her. Her silence was charged with everything she wanted to say.

But my knowledge only went so far. She spoke up, despite my guess that she wouldn't utter a word until we got to my office.

"I'm being considered for another position?" Her voice was low and skeptical.

I don't like to repeat myself, so I answered with a clipped, "Yes."

"What position?"

"A highly paid one," I said vaguely, the fleeting annoyance dissipating. This woman wouldn't go blindly into anything; her cards would always be on the table. I smoothed a shaky hand through my hair, trying to still the excitement that was sparking in my chest like fireworks. I collected myself just in time because she looked at me then, asking the follow up question that would be the starting shot to send us flying past the point of no return.

"And what highly paid position am I being considered for?"

"Personal assistant." I straightened my tie, like that would make my other needs, which were highly unprofessional, more palatable. "My personal assistant."

She fell silent again and I stole a look at her. It didn't take any investigation to determine that she was uncomfortable. Maybe even ashamed. Both were unacceptable.

"You worry that this promotion is due to our time together, don't you?"

I opened the floor for discussion, but she just stared straight ahead. After a long, maddening moment, she dipped her chin to her chest twice.

My questions were not ones to be answered with nods. "A verbal response would be appreciated, Leila."

"I don't know—are we talking about it today? Or is it still our dirty little secret?"

Her verbal snap sent a wave of anger over me. She was deflecting, which answered my question, but it wasn't good enough. "Answer the question, Leila. Do you think I'm promoting you because of what we did together yesterday?"


I didn't have to strain to hear it. Her answer was a pained whisper that echoed in my ears. I almost pulled the emergency brake and took her in my arms and told her that I was being selfish in promoting her, but I'd seen her under pressure and she thrived. Whatever goals she had, being at my right hand would help her achieve them.