I swallowed.


Tried to remember to breathe.

I had options: losing my damn mind seemed appealing. I was already on the edge because they were both so lost in the moment, in each other, that they didn’t even notice that they had an audience.

I now understood how the women from ‘Snapped’ did just that—because my mind was nudging me, reminding me that I had a very expensive bottle of wine in my bag. A bottle that would come in handy when I bludgeoned Scott to death.

Another option was just leaving. I could back out, unnoticed, and pretend I hadn’t seen what I’d seen. Be the Oscar worthy actor that Scott had been. Carry on and-

“No,” I said aloud.

Loud enough that their midnight dance came to an immediate end.

The woman let out a screech and pushed away from him. The distance she created was useless at this point. I’d already seen them. Hell, a blind person would have been able to feel the chemistry that was swirling in this room before the ball and chain walked in.

If I could have found the oxygen, the energy, the anything, I would have laughed at her. Her mouth was frozen in an O, some excuse pirouetting on a tongue that had probably tasted my fia

ncé’s tongue, among other things. That deer-in-headlights look on her face told me she was about to insult my intelligence.

She was let off the hook by Scott, who stammered out a lie. Considering he’d been pretty good at it lately, I was disappointed by the hack job that fell from his lips.

“Nat...I...This isn’t what it looks like!”

I tore my eyes away from them, looking at the bag on my arm. The woman that was still way too close to my fiancé let out a gasp, like she was expecting me to brandish a gun.

I caught the sparkle of my engagement ring, and I knew what I needed to do.

That circle of gold, the princess cut that I’d plastered all over Facebook and texted to everyone I know felt like it weighed a million pounds.

Wrapped around my finger.

Around my throat.

In a single, brutal movement they felt like I was removing a layer of skin. I yanked off the ring.

I looked Scott dead in the eye and he flinched, expecting me to hurl it at him. Instead, I strode to his desk without a word and dropped it on top of his stack of folders. Work he’d probably neglected because he was preoccupied.

‘Fuck you, Scott’ screamed in my head, but I didn’t say a word, exiting in a daze, not breathing until I was outside.

The minute I realized he was following me, I tore off my heels and started running. The emotions I’d stuffed down caught up with me, but I just moved faster.

Bare feet slapping the carpet.

Blinded by tears.

By pain.

Running away from the fact that watching them had just confirmed what I already knew.

Scott wasn’t the one.

Not really.

And now, he’d proven that I wasn’t the one, either.
